Trailer Trash


Mellow Monday (Read 15 times)


    Morning- chowder and I got in 4 miles yesterday on a paved and very flat trail by DH’s fishing spot. I wasn’t overly motivated for a run, but of course, glad to have gotten out. 

    qotd: what are you reading/streaming? Just finished ‘Dead to me’ and have been working on ‘succession’- what terrible people/characters. I can only watch an episode at a time because they are so awful. But yet I keep continuing the series 😆


      I ran a "fastish" 5 miles this morning and lifted weights and did core work after that. I have to stay focused on the resistance training and core work.


      QOTD: I just finished "Dead to Me". I don't know if that will wrap that series up or not. I have nothing that I am reading or streaming right now. I am looking for something.


        Rest day.  I got in a really nice, slow 4 miles yesterday after sitting on my butt for 4 hrs doing transcription.  The run went much better than I anticipated, considering I still felt kinda whipped from Saturday's trail work.


        Gatsby - Are you not able to get into WSER through the aid station?


        QOTD: Reading "About Your Father" by Peggy Rowe - the Erma Bombeck of our times.  It's a fast, easy fun read, which I needed after my last book which was a true story about a mother (Diane Downs) attempting to murder her children (succeeded with one).

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance





          QOTD: Reading "About Your Father" by Peggy Rowe - the Erma Bombeck of our times.  It's a fast, easy fun read, which I needed after my last book which was a true story about a mother (Diane Downs) attempting to murder her children (succeeded with one).


          You just sent me off into a endless rabbit hole when you mentioned Erma Bombeck. I haven't heard her mentioned in years. Great writer.



          running under the BigSky

            shoveled snow this morning for an hour 


            we're going to grab the cross country skis and get some miles a little later


            qotd: just finished The Sisters Brothers- excellent read, Western genre- but not your typical Western   We just finished Wednesday, pretty fun watch especially if you're an Addam's Family fan


            2024 goal 2024 miles

            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

            2021 goal- 2021 miles √



              Pretty mellow here. Chilly but sunny with still air. Low 20's for the dog walk this morning. I think more rain tomorrow.

              Plan to run late afternoon today meaning around 3:30. Lake trails or Coventry Woods? Game time decision.


              Yesterday was 6 at Birdsboro Watershed and Saturday about 8 at Nolde Forest. Have not been out to Nolde for some time as it's further away then my other trails. It is one of my "Saturday during hunting season places" as it's a hunt free zone. It was rather quiet and the not many cars at the trail head. I guess morning rain keeps people way. The good thing about the run at Nolde is that there is a 5 Guys and Chik-Filet on the way home. We went for burgers and fries. Baker gets one of the patties from my double.


              QOTD: Not in the midst of any streaming at the moment, other than watching the Big Brunch. I think the next season of Jack Ryan drops soon on Amazon. That's a pretty good one.

              In dog beers, I've only had one.

              Queen of Nothing


                4 Mile walk with Jack...ran into a group of older ladies hiking at the end.  They made me smile.  Then ran 6 miles.  Nice loop trail, love loops and 6 is my what I'd like to be my dailish run.  Told myself I need to treat myself by driving somewhere and do runs instead of the same old maintenance trail.  

                qotd: I am reading The Ledge a true story where 2 guys hiking up Mount Rainer fell into a crevice...guessing the author lived.   

                fattozigg:  I've asked her twice and she never answered...what's' up with that Gatsby







                  fattozigg:  I've asked her twice and she never answered...what's' up with that Gatsby


                  *shrug*  Dunno.  Maybe overloaded at work, tired of the computer, tired of us . . . 


                  LB - Erma Bombeck was a classic.  If you send me your mailing address, I'd be happy to send you the 2 books by Peggy Rowe to read.  Her third one, "Vacuuming in the Nude" is my next purchase.  FYI - She was 80 before she published her first book "About My Mother" which became a best seller.  I have that and "About Your Father."

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance


                    (Why do I feel like I have answered the WS question multiple times in prior posts??  As recently as yesterday!  But here goes again, long answer this time.  Hoping this answers what inquiring minds want to know.)


                    Each aid station gets a designated runner spot to be used for the next year's race.  It's a guaranteed entry, not a free entry, and the recipient has to be eligible to run the race and entered in the WS lottery.  Each aid station can allocate their spot however they choose.  My running club has received one designated runner spot every year since we got the aid station in 2011.  We allocate our spot by a lottery.  There are various ways to earn tickets into my RC lottery, and tickets roll over if the person is not picked, just like at WS.  I first became eligible to enter my RC lottery in 2019, same year that I got my first WS ticket in the official lottery.  I have entered my RC lottery and the WS lottery every year since then.  I've been 1st runner up all three times for my RC's spot.  Like WS, people in my RC lottery have been accruing tickets for years, before I became eligible to join.  But my ticket count is getting up there now so maybe one of these years...


                    WC's theory is that my RC is trying to make sure I continue volunteering at the aid station.  He might be right!

                    6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR



                      Wow Gatsby almost sounds like the process for getting a kidney transplant.  Not sure which one is

                        Dang, Gatsby! Your AS must have more ultra runners than ours does.  In all the years I've been volunteering, we've had one person run the race, and he got about 30 miles in.  I have fantasies about putting throwing my name in, but then I do a face plant in the cold river and pull myself out of said fantasy. 

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                        Queen of Nothing


                          Sorry we missed your answer  Gatsby.  My old club does the same thing.  Rarely do we have more then 3 in the lottery. So odds are better.  

                          • speaking of runner year the person selected couldn't do the run and the group president said no one can fill in for her.   So unfortunately that spot went empty for the year.