Trailer Trash


Fab Friday (Read 14 times)


    Ran 5 miles this morning in my newest pair of shoes that showed up yesterday, the Hoka Torrent 2. I am impressed. These might be the best shoes I have ever taken out of a box for a run. They just feel great.


    QOTD: Weekend Plans?


    Saturday is supposed to be a wash out. I'll try to get at least 5 in between storms. Sunday will probably be about a 10 to 15 mile run, probably 10. I think I have my last b2b long runs next weekend. Then, one more long run around February 15th, and it will be time to rest.


      Good morning -


      30 min of stationary biking this a.m.  I'll be happy when it's warm enough to ride outside again, but 32 degrees is a bit too cold for me.


      Had our monthly game of Bunko last night.  The member's house where we played last night, it's a big Victorian that they can't afford to heat and it was so cold!  I ended up getting in a hot shower when I got home just so I could be warm when I went to bed.  Sorry, but I can't see living in a house in which you can't afford to turn on the heat, I don't care how much you love the place.


      Today is The Hub's bday.  62.  How'd he get so old???   Pizza for dinner and, since he's such an avid reader, I need to pick up a couple of gift cards from 2 local used book stores


      QOTD: A 10-mile run tomorrow, then at some point I need to work on tax stuff again.

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



        No run yesterday. Rained all day and so I played the hobby jogger card. We did get a mile or two of dog walks in various levels of rain. Today, rain has stopped and wind has started. Not too bad, but decided to run from the house up to the local trail and back. So about 5 miles. Baker tagged along for a mostly leashed run since we were on the road for 3+ of the 5 miles. 

        QOTD: The missus is down stairs cleaning/organizing stuff in the cabinets in the garage so I can foresee being called into that mess sometime this weekend. It needs a good purge. Heading over to the neighbor's tonight to be social and hear about their fall trip to Iceland. Will watch the football games of course, run Baker, and am pondering jumping into the Chilly Cheeks 11k trail race in Reading but we will see on that one.

        In dog beers, I've only had one.



          Holy hell Leslie, I think I might kill for a hot shower right now.  I asked the PD nurse yesterday and she said NO, not for another 4 freaking weeks.


          When I found I would be starting dialysis soon I went through the house (and it's a small house) several times to make room for the supplies I'll be needing.

            Holy hell Leslie, I think I might kill for a hot shower right now.  I asked the PD nurse yesterday and she said NO, not for another 4 freaking weeks.


            Wait, what???

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance


            Queen of Nothing


              3 mile walk with Jack and then 4.6 run...was suppose to be 5 but had to pick a kid up from school...short day for him.  

              qotd: Saturday going to try for a longish run....followed by sone yard work.  Sunday a Hash Harrier run.








                SRD today.


                I finished the bike maintenance/refurb job yesterday, it's a 1996 Cannodale by the way.  The last thing was rewrapping the handlebars, which I don't have too much experience with, and then that about a million years ago so I was way out of practice.  It didn't help that I was using a 'grippy' rubberized tape so it wasn't easy. But in the end it turned out to be ok but I don't think the tour maintenance guys will be calling me anytime soon, admittedly the second side went smoother than the first.  


                qotd: Like LB, tomorrow is supposed to be a washout, I'll run early before the real crud starts and then do stuff around the house.  Will watch football later (this week's pick is the Eagles).




                  I had surgery on the 12th to put in a catheter so I can start dialysis in early March as my kidneys have failed and no transplant yet.  I can't get the dressing wet and possible develop an infection until the exit site has fully healed thus the no showers.  There will be no swimming, no baths and when I can shower there are all these steps I have to take to keep infection out.  It's a real drag.  Good part is when we went the "the field" when I was in the Army I learned how to take "sink baths" as we really got to take showers that week.

                  Queen of Nothing


                    I am sorry you are going through this and find a kidney soon. I wish I had the guts to offer you one. 

                     Does anyone remember Mike Cowe? I can't remember what his name was on RW....he needed and recieved a kidney.   I think he started a FB page asking for a kidney.


                    I had surgery on the 12th to put in a catheter so I can start dialysis in early March as my kidneys have failed and no transplant yet.  I can't get the dressing wet and possible develop an infection until the exit site has fully healed thus the no showers.  There will be no swimming, no baths and when I can shower there are all these steps I have to take to keep infection out.  It's a real drag.  Good part is when we went the "the field" when I was in the Army I learned how to take "sink baths" as we really got to take showers that week.







                      . . . I learned how to take "sink baths" as we really got to take showers that week.


                      Ah . . . or as my mom called them, "Spit Baths."  Well, that just sucks.  I, too, hope you find a kidney soon. {{{Hugs}}}

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance