Trailer Trash


Meetings Monday (Read 14 times)


    I'll have to run this afternoon. I have meetings this morning, one in person and the other via zoom at 1PM. It will be a short run today and probably a little bit of resistance training after that unless I squeeze that in before the first meeting.


    QOTD: Any strange dreams lately or do you ever have strange dreams?


    Last night I had a strange dream. For some reason, I dreamed that I was craving a green salad with no salad dressing and tortilla chips on the side. I was in a grocery store (Winn Dixie) and was trying to pay for it but everything kept sliding off my plate. I'd get another plate, but I would end up tipping my plate and everything would slide off again. I have no idea what that was about because I would never want a salad without dressing. We are out of salad dressing, but it isn't like I am concerned about it. I guess I'll pick some up at the store today.


      6.5 yesterday plus leg strength.  Listened to the NFL playoffs while doing chores.  Sorry to the Buffalo fans.  Glad the Niners won.  Had to go back and look at replays of that last Cowboys play... yep, as bizarre as the announcers made it sound.


      Signed up for Oregon Cascades 100 on 8/26.  Big goal now in play!


      LB, from yesterday, maybe you aren't sure if you trained enough, but it's better to get to the starting line a little undertrained than a little injured, as the saying goes.


      QOTD: Nothing that I remember.  My sleep is not very good as a general rule, something my fancy new Garmin Instinct has confirmed for me.

      6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


        Not sure of run plans today. We had a mix of rain and snow this morning but I think that's about over an no accumulation. I have a few meetings as well but just standing calls over zoom/teams. Probably just run on the road or local trail towards the end of the day.


        Had a nice 5+ miler yesterday at Birdsboro watershed. Felt good, would have run longer but was curious what my time would be for the loop. It was pretty good, not my best but way better than the usual slogs. Decided not to do the trail race yesterday as I just feel bad not running Baker on a Sunday.


        QOTD: Yes, I tend to have weird dreams. They don't always stick with me though. Last night seemed to be some sort of travel conundrum either coming or going from a tropical location. At one point I was in the air on a plane (or so it seemed) and the pilot was having some difficulties keeping the plane airborne and from hitting buildings, hills, etc. Finally he dropped us off on land and we were shuffled towards a boat that for some reason to board we had to walk down a dock and up a ladder that was underwater. Those are the highlights. I wonder when there will be a device made to film your dreams.


        LB2 - So what sort of salad dressing?

        In dog beers, I've only had one.

          30 min on the stationary bike (I'll be happy when warmer weather comes and I can ride outside in the a.m.), followed by 45 min of core/ST.  My legs feel better than I thought they would after Saturday's slogfest.  This Saturday I'm supposed to do 10 on an EZ trail with no more than 1,000 feet of elevation gain.  I have no idea where I'm going to find that, unless I drive at least an hour north.  . . . and so the long drive to a trailhead begins . . .


          Gatsby - Oregon Cascades.  Fun stuff.  Like the time limit - 32 hrs, 1 min, 18 secs. 


          QOTD: I have weird dreams all the time.  Saturday, I dreamed I was the house of Ben and Erin Napier of "Hometown" (home improvement show).  They're place was a disaster and I was thinking, "You give people their dream homes and this is how you live??"  When The Hub was a practicing alcoholic, I had a lot of vigilante dreams.  I was always going in guns blazing trying to save people.  Haven't one since he quit.

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



            I ended up running a short loop of 2.5 miles. It felt sluggish, but I ran the loop in 22:02, which is faster than it felt. I just needed the turnover.



            Gadsby: I forgot about that old saying... But I looked back at my old training from years ago, and I am about where I was for training for previous events. I guess I'll be okay. We will know for sure in about 6 weeks.


            Xtreme: Ranch


            fatozzig: I am glad your husband is doing well. Some folks never get over that. I lost an old friend to alcoholism about a year and a half ago. I don't have a very deep understanding of it, but I learned from him that it can be much worse than I originally thought it could be.



              fatozzig: I am glad your husband is doing well. Some folks never get over that. I lost an old friend to alcoholism about a year and a half ago. I don't have a very deep understanding of it, but I learned from him that it can be much worse than I originally thought it could be.


              My husband is one of the lucky ones.  Often, it takes people a number of times trying to actually quit.  He was able to do so his first time.  There's a long story associated with it, but he ended up in rehab for 3 months - the first month with some gentle prodding from his attorney and the 2nd and 3rd months of his own volition - and once he was out of rehab, he spent 6 months in jail.  So he had 9 months to decide where he wanted his life to go, knowing the consequences if he chose wrong.  I made that very clear I would not stay with him if he continued to drink, and I also made it clear if he ever starts again, we were through.  I refuse to go down that path again.  He comes from a family of alcoholics, so he had an uphill battle from the get go.


              I'm really proud of how he has turned his life around.  The change has been nothing short of a  miracle, and neither one of us regrets the day our world caved in.  It ended up being the best thing that ever happened to us, even though I honestly thought it never would.  Figured I'd get a call that he'd killed himself or someone else in a car accident, that he'd have a heart attack and died (he was almost 100 lbs overweight), or one day I'd finally get up the strength to leave.  Thankfully, none of those happened.


              Coincidentally, 3 of his high school friends with whom he has gotten back in touch are also recovering alcoholics.  They've been great support for one another.

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance



              running under the BigSky

                Gatsby- another hundo- Nice!


                fatozzig- good on your hubby!


                a chilly 5 miles (800') with Tiny Elvis this afternoon


                qotd: I know I dream, it's really rare for me to remember though 


                2024 goal 2024 miles

                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                Queen of Nothing


                  Skied run.  1.5 mike dog walk. 

                  qotd: nope nothing lately ...actually last 2 nights I have been having a hard time sleeping period.  So I turn on a podcast and let it drone on helping fall and stay asleep.

                   05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                   08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                    I often tell people that sometimes the worst thing that happens to you in a given situation may actually be the best thing that ever happens to you in your life. I can certainly say that is the case for me.



                    My husband is one of the lucky ones.  Often, it takes people a number of times trying to actually quit.  He was able to do so his first time.  There's a long story associated with it, but he ended up in rehab for 3 months - the first month with some gentle prodding from his attorney and the 2nd and 3rd months of his own volition - and once he was out of rehab, he spent 6 months in jail.  So he had 9 months to decide where he wanted his life to go, knowing the consequences if he chose wrong.  I made that very clear I would not stay with him if he continued to drink, and I also made it clear if he ever starts again, we were through.  I refuse to go down that path again.  He comes from a family of alcoholics, so he had an uphill battle from the get go.


                    I'm really proud of how he has turned his life around.  The change has been nothing short of a  miracle, and neither one of us regrets the day our world caved in.  It ended up being the best thing that ever happened to us, even though I honestly thought it never would.  Figured I'd get a call that he'd killed himself or someone else in a car accident, that he'd have a heart attack and died (he was almost 100 lbs overweight), or one day I'd finally get up the strength to leave.  Thankfully, none of those happened.


                    Coincidentally, 3 of his high school friends with whom he has gotten back in touch are also recovering alcoholics.  They've been great support for one another.
