Trailer Trash


Man Cave Monday (Read 16 times)


    I need to reorganize my office/man cave today. I walked 2 miles this morning. I never ran on the route. I did have to stop to pee once, but I finished the loop in 26:47. I was very pleased with that. After that, I did some resistance training. I guess I am in taper mode now. There is always the possibility that I screw things up on race day, but I feel pretty good right now.


    QOTD: Did you watch the game last night? If so, what did you think? If not, what did you watch/read/listen to instead?


    I watched all the way to the 3rd quarter and changed over to watch "1923". They are really dragging that show out. I guess there will be another season because I can't imagine them wrapping it up as slow as they are going, assuming there will be about 10 to 12 episodes for this season.


    Update: They say there will be 8 episodes in Season 1, but it has been renewed for a Season 2.



      Yesterday, about 5 miles at Birdsboro watershed with Baker. Mixed it up by taking the crazy single track that the mountain bikers use. Definitely more rugged but I was not in a rush so just kept it easy. Even hiked a few sections. One steep uphill, a few mountain bikers came flying down. Baker was fascinated. We ran into all our dog friends at the start, Squid the brown/white Dalmatian, the pack of collies, and old Irish Setter who likes to carry a big stick around. Fun seeing all the happy dogs.

      Today. Not sure of run. Probably late day, at the lake or local trail.


      QOTD: Yes, I watched it. It was a good game, could have been a great game if the refs did not call a ticky-tack holding call at the end and take away a chance for Jalen Hurts to do a last minute drive to tie or win the game. My other observation is the dancers during Rhianna's half time show looked like Chinese COVID enforcers. I was making queso in the kitchen while that was going on and texted my buddy who started cracking up.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.


        No run today. Chowder and i got in a morning 2.5 mile walk. More later with DH.


        qotd: I watched 'Homeland'. Season 2 is a nail biter. No opinion on the game, but might watch the half show later out of curiousity. Don't think I could identify a Rihanna song, but her reviews were good.


          Tried to do my longish beach run yesterday but the wind just wrecked it. I had to stop 3x just to empty my shoes AND socks as the really fine silica particles just filtered right thru and would accumulate. Still managed 6. Never had that issue before but never ran a beach with that kind of wind. Anyway, did manage 11 on the beach today in perfect conditions. Also picked up 104 sand dollars. Quite the find.


          QOTD--Watched, thought it was a good game. XT, I do agree that at that point just let them play unless it's egregious. They also allow that kind of play it seems most of the time. They swallow their whistles in basketball and let about anything go in the last minute. The purist will say a penalty is a penalty no matter when but I'm kinda with you even though I wanted KC.



            qotd: I watched 'Homeland'. Season 2 is a nail biter. No opinion on the game, but might watch the half show later out of curiousity. Don't think I could identify a Rihanna song, but her reviews were good.


            Homeland is one of my favorite shows.



              SRD today.  I realized late yesterday that I had run 7 days straight, haven't done that in a while.


              qotd: Yeah we watched the game, it was very good. The 2 TX QBs done good.  I also thought "the call" was a bit ticky-tack but then again they do have to call it if it's there, and then today I did read where the guy it was called on said something like "yeah I did hold him a bit".



              running under the BigSky

                So there's this finger ridge I've been eyeballing for some time, thinking I could possibly carve a route up to the top (vs the trail that goes up there).  Today I decided to give it a whirl with Tiny Elvis in toe (or me in toe?).  It started pretty decently, little bit of a use trail/game trail winding it's way- steep, but straightforward.  Slowly but surely we got into more and more rock.  I had taken my spikes off because of the rock (spikes on rocks = no bueno!), but still found plenty of ice and snow where it would have been advantageous to have them.  Would have taken forever swapping them on and off, so just left them off.


                We'd hit some impassable rock and would then work our way to the north sidehililng until we could see a chute leading up.  Rinse and repeat several times.


                We made it to the top, but it was neither elegant or easy.  Now I know and won't have to worry about trying it again 


                6 miles (1500' of climb all in the first 1.5 miles).


                qotd: Yeah watched- really good (LB how did you ditch the game in the 3rd quarter????) game.  I was really impressed with the Eagles aggressive play calling- I think they went on four 4th down AND made them!  And not to take away anything from the Chiefs- their Offensive line really stepped up.  The sack leading Eagles had 0 sacks.


                I was disappointed in the last flag thrown as well.  Would have been interesting watching the Eagles with 90 seconds (and a timeout) to see what would happen with the Chief's and a 3 point lead!



                2024 goal 2024 miles

                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                  Hello, All - I didn't get in here at all over the weekend, so some catching up to do.


                  Saturday, for the first time in over a year, I ran (12 miles) at my beloved Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park situated about an hour north of us.  When I arrived, there were visitors in the parking lot.


                  May be an image of nature


                  Since these guys were between me and where I wanted to run, I had to abandon my usual parking spot and park out on the parkway.  I got a a short video of 2 of them sparring.  There were 7 or 8 all together with 3 out of frame to the left.



                  May be an image of deer and nature


                  There's a lot of blowdown on the trails, and I had to abandon one direction due to too much crap on the trails.  The park service people are obviously working to clean things up, but it's going to take time.  This is just a small sampling of their clean up efforts.


                  May be an image of grass, tree and nature


                  For whatever reason, this run was a struggle, but I'll get it figured out.


                  Yesterday was core, mobility, and stretching.


                  Today was 30 min of stationary biking and 30 min of core/ST.


                  QOTD: The Hub was going to record it and watch it this morning sans commercials and all the blah, blah, blah, but I'm glad we watched.  I was rooting for the Eagles, but also just rooting for a good game.  The last penalty - like Sandy said, the guy admitted he committed the penalty, but it seemed less egregious than a lot of other penalties that go uncalled.  Didn't watch the half time show since, IMHO, they usually suck.  But I see that Rhianna is pregnant so probably couldn't do as much of the usual booty and boob shaking that goes on.

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance


                  Queen of Nothing


                    Saturday I volunteered at a cross country race...hmmm it was a glorious day and my job was inside.  Reaffirming why I do not want a job!!! Sunday Jack  and I wobbled 1.5 miles.  Then I drove 30 miles and ran 8 miles on the North County Trail.  

                    Today was a 2.5 slog...then went skiing with Jack.  I'd come back to the Jeep every hour or so, drink a beer and throw the ball for Jack.

                    qotd:  Yes watched it, just me and my sister.  I know a little about football and my sister knows a little less.  Right off she asked me who I was "voting" for.  We had fun being silly the rest of the game.   I thought there were too many touchdowns.  My favorite part was when that super fine couch shed tears during the national anthem!  ðŸ¤¤


                    fattoziggo:  The commercial are part of it ...and there was some good ones. 

                    sandy:  A month or so ago I thought...hmm Sandy retired and now he's actually skipping sone runs.  

                    lb:  Can't wait to see how it goes for you at the  hundy....routing for you. 

                    Tiny Elvis:  You're a little bad ass!