Trailer Trash


Cyber Monday (Read 14 times)


    No plans to buy anything today, but actually ordered a couple of necessary but boring items from REI yesterday.  After a weekend of no running (yup), Chowder and I got out for 4 miles this morning early. Lots of rabbits lurking off the path. Some lingering fog, too, from yesterday's rain and gloom. It always feels great to get in a early morning run, I don't know why I always seem to forget that.


    qotd: It definitely feels like the holidays, despite having seen Xmas stuff in the stores before Halloween was done. Any big plans for this month? Not much here-- we're visiting MN family for 5 days at Xmas, then thinking about a long weekend getaway with the DSs in the new year before they have to return to school and Americorps. Need to get on that planning.


      I ran 7.5 this morning. All was good. It took 70 minutes, so run/hike pace was around 9:20. We will see how this all works out in March. PF seems to be gone, but I am still working on stretching my feet.


      QOTD: We have a few things planned:


      1. Christmas parade on December 4th.

      2. Going to some sort of Christmas thing in Columbia, Mississippi on December 10th.

      3. Going to my sister's in New Orleans on December 18th.


      Then, we will just have our regular Christmas stuff going on on the 25th. Deer season is basically over for me, so I really don't have anything to focus on except for Christmas and running, which I guess is good. I just didn't want to be done so soon.



        Not sure if I will check out any cyber deals today or not. That means probably a not, though I did pick up a pair of jackets for the dogs from Duluth trading last week. Pretty happy with them. Bright orange, a bit of warmth, and easy on/off. They look well made. Baker will be wearing his for running the next few months, and we took them for a stroll at the town park on Saturday so they could strut their stuff.


        Rainy day yesterday so just a few miles at Warwick Park with Baker. Did have a nice run Black Friday with my buddy and his dog at French Creek Park. We did a nice 10 or so mile loop and the weather was fantastic. Sunny, mild, and low 50's after light overnight rain. We did not see a soul out on the trails. Good recovery for my turkey trot 5k the day before.


        Run today? Late afternoon at the lake or Coventry Woods. Rifle deer season is in full swing here but these are no hunt places.


        QOTD: We actually decided to put up a Christmas tree this year, partly because the missus wanted to clean up a corner of the basement where all the holiday containers were stored so she was in the mood. It was sort of fun, and we went for a Buckeye themed tree even though they were sent packing on Saturday by the Wolverines. No big plans yet for December. Sort of hinges on my sister's plans and whether they will be home in GA for the New Year or heading up north to see grandkids.


        The Lady!


        In dog beers, I've only had one.

          Nice bright jacket!  And love the bear statue, too.


          Nothing this a.m., but I'll get in either my run or a core/ST workout after work.


          QOTD: Just a couple of Christmas dinners with 2 sets of lady friends and our office Christmas party.  I guess we should get up in the attic and drag down a few boxes of Christmas stuff to sort of decorate.  We stopped getting trees a long time ago, but usually string lights on all the house plants, of which I have a lot, and set some ornaments out.

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



            Beautiful morning for running here today. Got out at 6:30, it was 46°.  Met up with a running bud at 8:00am, so I ran 7 or 8 miles to the park where I met my friend. Then we walked my miles 8 thru 12 in the park. Then I left him and ran home for a total of 16 miles.


            I did end up buying new running shoes for Cyber Monday (actually I ordered them last night). A good deal, Asics Gel Nimbus 23 for $69 bucks. I bought 2 pair.  Ya think I needed them?


            qotd: no big plans leading up to the holidays, just normal prep stuff.



              I'm now going crazy as we're stuck in Virginia at my DD's waiting on her impending birth,or I should say giving birth.  Been here going on a week now and my wife says she wants to stay thru this week yet. I'm gonna hook the camper back up and head into the Dolly Sods wilderness and Canaan Valley state park in W.V. tomorrow and stay there for the rest of the week. Some great trails in that area and I need the mental health. I at least have been getting some trail runs in on my 8 mile loop at the nearby lake. Beautiful hilly trails.


              XT--Duluth Trading eh? Worked in the warehouse part-time off and on over a few years as I went into my semi-retirement. Got a generous discount of 40-50% off everything including sale items so needless to say DW and I have a lot of their clothing. Most of there stuff is pretty high quality.


              QOTD--I just want to get home and spend all December in the snow of northern Wi. 

                Easy walking continues. Targeting 12/1 to resume joggity jogging. 

                Queen, check out the gear sales listed on DC Rainmaker, my go-to source for running gear reviews and info.

                Sandy, if I saw you in those shoes, I’d buy you a new pair myself. 

                I went with Warden’s recommendation and bought a Garmin Instinct 2 solar. I really like the solar charging ability while on the go. Other more spendy Garmins have some additional bells and whistles that I don’t need (color screen, fancy maps, more widgets, touch screen). The Instinct already does more than I need.  

                QOTD: no big plans. Going up to Auburn on Sat for the WS drawing. Volunteering at a couple races. Xmas at dad’s house like usual.

                6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR



                  Gatsby I got the regular Instinct back in 2019 when I still thought I could do ultras for the long battery life cause I'm slow as molasses in winter.  It's my everyday watch, I use it on my little 30 min walks and other than the fact that I have tiny little wrist it fits fine.  I have a solar charger that I could use with it also.


         DH loves Duluth.  I give him a $100 gift card for his birthday and another for Christmas. He thinks their underwear are the best thing every invented.


                  qotd:  Not going anywhere as I'm saving my leave for if/when I get a transplant and will be out of work for awhile.  Everyone lives in other states that aren't close.  Plus I'd rather visit while it was warm so I could do stuff.


                    Sandy, if I saw you in those shoes, I’d buy you a new pair myself. 


                      Come on!!!  They are just getting broken in!!  I guess I have about 1,000 miles on them.



                    running under the BigSky

                      a little to too cold for me to hit the trails, so.......


                      3 miles on the dreadmill and strength trained while I was there- anticipating some soreness with the lifting as I've maybe hit the gym 4 times since big game season started six weeks ago 


                      Gatsby- I think you'll be happy with the Instinct- one of the most comfortable watches I've worn in addition to having the features most want on a sports watch


                      qotd: My youngest daughter is coming to visit the 13th and staying three weeks; she's very high energy so guessing we'll be busy.  We'll go out and harvest a Christmas tree; we got a giant one last time she was out- I think we'll go a little smaller this go round.  We usually end up renting a cabin somewhere and ski or snowshoe in.  I'll probably squeeze in a 3-4 day backpacking trip in before December is over- visited with a buddy this morning who also want to get that done.


                      2024 goal 2024 miles

                      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                      2021 goal- 2021 miles √