Trailer Trash


Wondering Wednesday (Read 12 times)


    Today is an SRD, but I did run/walk a 2.5 mile loop this morning. It felt good to get out there and watch the sun rise over the tops of the pine trees.


    QOTD: Do you have any thoughts on UFO's?


    I have seen a few odd things that I can't explain over the years, and think that with even the scope of what we know exists outside of our solar system it would be somewhat arrogant to think that there is no other advanced life out there, possibly advanced enough to make what we know about space and time look like ancient cave drawings. But I don't have a definite belief about what is out there; I just think there is something out there.


      Today was supposed to be a workout day, but after a lousy night of a sleep I skipped it.  I also figured it wouldn't hurt to give my knee an extra day of rest.


      QOTD:  I don't know.  I'm conflicted with what you said vs. my Christian believes.  Either way, some day we'll know the answers.

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance




        QOTD:  I don't know.  I'm conflicted with what you said vs. my Christian believes.  Either way, some day we'll know the answers.


        Hmmm. That is an interesting point. As a Christian myself, I reconcile the idea of life in other galaxies/planets/whatever on the fact that I am aware that I cannot comprehend the entire scope of the universe. I don't know all the dimensions of it. I also wonder exactly what that passage in Ezekiel is all about. How long has this galaxy been in existence? How long will it continue? When we leave here, will we be self aware?


        In my experience, I find more questions about things as I learn more information.



          Hi all. 5 miles in the sun, heat and humidity. Was raining when I got up so waited until lunch and met a friend for a run. Chowder came too and we had to take a few creek breaks. It was hot.


          qotd: Not sure. It's like ghosts, I don't NOT believe in them, but not sure I do believe in them. However, there's a lot I don't know so I leave it at that.


            Did my run and a ‘hill’ today. Ran 5 mi in the heat/humidity to the gym and then did 200 floors on the stair climber. When I get there I’m soaked and even more so after the 200 floors.  I do mop up the equip and floor around me when done. My DW was there by then and we drove home together.


            nOOky, thanks for the info on the 955 Solar, I’ll take a look.  FYI I switched setting on my 230 to GPS & Glonass the gps performance is much improved, but it accelerates battery burn.


            qotd: similar to LB, I think when you consider the vastness of the whole wide universe the probability might exists that “we are not alone”. But really who knows….. until they visit us….. (cue eerie music now).




              qotd: similar to LB, I think when you consider the vastness of the whole wide universe the probability might exists that “we are not alone”. But really who knows….. until they visit us….. (cue eerie music now).


              I think that beaver we saw at Rocky Raccoon in the middle of the night was a shape-shifter from another planet. Or did that even happen!?! That was so strange...



                Yesterday, ran 4 miles on the road from the house. Summer warm but did not feel bad but sweated something fierce even at my pedestrian jogging pace. Rough run, so slow and creaky, but I did do some fartleks (ha slow ones) the last mile and that actually felt better. I was able to sneak out at lunch today for a short 3 in the woods with Baker out by the lake. The now wet summer has brought the return of mud and a few slick spots.

                So, we decided to punt on rescue dogs this go around. Sort of sad, as Summer was such a cute dog and she'd be settling in now but alas accidents happen. Just glad she was found and is safe. So we looked at some springer spaniel pups and found a breeder with a new litter in NJ within driving distance. They were just born this week, so 2 months before we can get one but we have one reserved now. Baker will soon have a little sister.


                QOTD: Like you, I believe humans on this planet are arrogant if we think that we are the smartest beings in the galaxy let alone the universe. I am pretty sure we have been visited, but that is just speculation on my part. These beings we call God, well they just may be some of the visitors you know.

                In dog beers, I've only had one.


                   I think that beaver we saw at Rocky Raccoon in the middle of the night was a shape-shifter from another planet. Or did that even happen!?! That was so strange...

                  Since you were 65 miles in it may have been a shape-shifter hallucination in your eyes, but I was only 5 miles in so I don’t thing it was an alien visitor……  at least not that night. 



                    Congratulations! And we (ok, me) expect pictures. And since Harrier has not shared any pics of his new pup, you might need to provide twice as many.

                    So, we decided to punt on rescue dogs this go around. Sort of sad, as Summer was such a cute dog and she'd be settling in now but alas accidents happen. Just glad she was found and is safe. So we looked at some springer spaniel pups and found a breeder with a new litter in NJ within driving distance. They were just born this week, so 2 months before we can get one but we have one reserved now. Baker will soon have a little sister.


                    QOTD: Like you, I believe humans on this planet are arrogant if we think that we are the smartest beings in the galaxy let alone the universe. I am pretty sure we have been visited, but that is just speculation on my part. These beings we call God, well they just may be some of the visitors you know.


                    running under the BigSky

                      12 miles on mtn bikes w/ DW this morning. the end of our pleasant summer is over- upper 90's for a week (maybe longer) 


                      qotd: kind of like Bigfoot- if I see one I'll be a believer, until then........  


                      2024 goal 2024 miles

                      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                      2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                        7 miles with hill repeats. Still foggy and chilly here.


                        QOTD: I'm agnostic.  Unknown and unknowable at this point in time.  Unless NASA is holding out on us...

                        5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                        Are we there, yet?

                          Running continues to be a struggle with the a-fib. Never thought I'd look forward to a medical procedure, but if the ablation will help, I can barely wait until September.


                          QOTD:  Being a big sci-fi/fantasy reader, I'm very open to the possibility of UFOs, though I doubt they would resemble Mork, ALF, ET, the Coneheads, or My Favorite Martian.

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.