Trailer Trash


Weekend Warriors (Read 15 times)


    Ended up shooting another buck yesterday evening. I only have one tag left, and the regular rifle season doesn't start until November 20th. I ran 4 miles this morning.


    QOTD: What are food prices looking like in your neck of the woods?


    Chicken is through the roof. Pork seems reasonable. Beef is up substantially.


      Rest day since it's raining.  Tomorrow is supposed to be better weather, so last LR will get done.


      QOTD: They're definitely going up.  Beef has been astronomical here for a long time, so the only beef we buy is hamburger when it's on sale.  Our mainstay is chicken and pork, which are creeping up, so we watch for sales and stock up (we have a chest freezer).  Gas prices are killing us - $4.75-$4.99/gal for reg, depending which station you go to.

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



        5 miles with the group this morning. It was 40 when we started, but it warmed up very quickly. Perfect temps for running since there was no wind.


        qotd: I've noticed prices most on beef. We also buy on sale, and for health reasons, I'm trying to cut back on meat. Thankfully, DH was also fishing a lot when the DNR did their fall trout stocking. We have 30 some fish in the chest freezer (and that is after giving a lot away). He usually caught his daily limit so it adds up quickly. Of course, not as quickly as a buck .

          Did 14 miles in the Marin Headlands with a Trail Sisters group this morning.  A good morning for a run, overcast and no wind.  Hard work (and/or maybe my trail legs are a wee bit out of shape).  Fun having folks to run with, and good motivation.



          QOTD: the trick the manufactures seem to like is keeping the price the same but making the package smaller.    Gas is close to $5/gal around here too, but we mostly drive an electric car.

          6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


            Did a nice and crisp 12 mi this morning.  43 deg, felt effortless, gotta love it when the temps go down.  Although it still was about 90% humidity this morning.  About the same on tap for tomorrow.


            Uuuugh, the great cell phone migration didn't happen today because they were having some sort of system-wide internal software update meltdown. The guy showed me some of their internal messages going back-and-forth between the other offices, they weren't happy.  We'll try switchover 2.0 tomorrow.


            qotd: yes we've noticed some increases,.  We've also noticed that our favorite Thai restaurant is charging a little extra surcharge if you add beef to the curry.  We order takeout from there, it's the best (btw, we usually add the chicken).


            You guys are killing me with the gas prices, it's $2.89 here.


            Pain is my friend

              20 mile road run. I haven't run that much on road in some time. Beat the legs up.  Ave 7:55 pace.

              ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

              Bear 100 22:08 2021 

              Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


              Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

              Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

              Ute 100 Aug

              24 hour loop race?



                The closest town to me is about 7 or 8 miles away. Gas ranges from $3.25 to $3.50. I don't use gas too much, so I usually go to the station that is $3.50 because the guy is usually going off about something, and it is entertaining. It varies what he is ranting about, but his perception that the Japanese get all our best bourbon is worth way more than the extra $ .25 for non-ethanol fuel. Last week he was mad about the lack of glass for bourbon bottles and there are one million cases of Grey Goose Vodka sitting on ships in the Pacific. He has a very strong Vietnamese accent, and he is hilarious. Anyway, at places other than this little town, gas is running about the same as what it is in Houston at about $2.89.

                Rest day since it's raining.  Tomorrow is supposed to be better weather, so last LR will get done.


                QOTD: They're definitely going up.  Beef has been astronomical here for a long time, so the only beef we buy is hamburger when it's on sale.  Our mainstay is chicken and pork, which are creeping up, so we watch for sales and stock up (we have a chest freezer).  Gas prices are killing us - $4.75-$4.99/gal for reg, depending which station you go to.


                  I decided last night to do a stationary bike ride today instead of a 10-mile trail run.  My legs still got a good workout without putting strain on my heel.  The Hub asked how many miles riding equals 10 miles of trail running.  I have no idea, but after 1.25 hrs., I was sweating like a pig, my legs are pooped, and my heel doesn't feel like it was stressed at all.  He gave me an "okaaay"' look, but let's face it - 10 miles isn't going to make my run, but it could really PO my heel, and next weekend is just gonna be hard, no matter what.


                  Re gas prices, a friend posted a pic on FB yesterday that someone took in Essex, CA (southeastern CA, outside San Berndardino) where gas the gas price for regular is $6.49. 

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance



                    An extra hour of sleep wasn’t enough so I slept in even more this morning.   I did eventually get out for an easy 5 mi mid-morning. 

                    We’re all set on the great phone switchover, all 3 phones (2 in TX and 1 in CO) are now on the new network.  The new phones will arrive mid-week, then we’ll transfer data and trade the old phones and we’ll be all set. Whew. . . .
