Trailer Trash


Too Cold Tuesdaily (Read 307 times)


    Hello everyone!  Glad to see more RW people finding their way over here!!  Today I did 5.5 and feel really good.  I hope this is my turnaround.  Now I have lots to do because my mom is flying down from MI.  So excited to see her.  Hope everyone has a great week.


    QOTD- I don't have a list yet, need to work on that.

      Well, My Tuesdaily was really Monday night.  It gives me something to talk about today...


      A cold fog has settled on the area and for the first mile I was chilled as I did an easy 4.5 miles while my daughter practiced with her 7th grade CYO basketball team.  My calves were squawking about the trail run the day before as I ran up the hill...


      A few pauses in the pace dropped the average below 10 minute miles.  I flirted with low eights on the downhills though..


      What am I asking Santa for?  Haven't thought about it.  Got plenty of running gear.  A friend gave me a used Garmin 405 that is rather tempermental.  I think I will give it back to him along with some venison and wild pork...




        Steph- 'just the 25k'? A 15 mile trail race is damn good and nothing to sneeze at. Now...where

        are those cookies?

         I know, I know, I have to stop say just the 25k.  I have family that will be up there that weekend too doing the 50 miler.  One of them just qualified for Western States, so sometimes I feel like I'm "just" doing a shorter distance.  


        Yes, I am not above bribery and since I can be easily bribed with food I always think others can be too.  I did bake chocolate chip cookies and s'more bars this morning! 




        “I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.” John Burroughs

        Hobby Jogger

          4.6 miles of "easy" trail today.  I mean easy in the sense of not hilly.  It's singletrack, and rooty enough to make me regret wearing road shoes Sad

          5/4/19 - Twilight Zone 24 Hour


          Refurbished Hip



            I still feel like I am doing the "just" race.


            At my first ultra, I was "just" doing the 50K, not the 50 miler.


            At my first 50, I was "just" doing the 50 miler, not the 100.


            At my first 100K, I was "just" doing the 100K, not the 100.


            Someday I will not do a "just."  It's all relative.  Enjoy your 25K!

            Running is dumb.

            Occasional Runner



              I still feel like I am doing the "just" race.


              At my first ultra, I was "just" doing the 50K, not the 50 miler.


              At my first 50, I was "just" doing the 50 miler, not the 100.


              At my first 100K, I was "just" doing the 100K, not the 100.


              Someday I will not do a "just."  It's all relative.  Enjoy your 25K!


              The 2nd 50k I ever ran also had a 50 mile version. I was there to watch them take off into the woods with their headlamps on and I instantly felt less than those runner's. I was in total awe that these guys were going to run 50 miles! I couldn't shake the feeling that they were all better runners and i would never be able to do what they were doing. 


              I've run a 50 miler since then and it's out of my system now.


              running under the BigSky

                we're enjoying some unseasonably warm weather for late November- high in the low 40's, perfect for running!  got a nice 12 mile hilly run in this afternoon Smile


                qotd- I've been eyeing Ultimate Directions new Signature Series, particularly Andy's race pack- got an email they were in, checked on them and they were already out- guessing they should be back in stock before Christmas


                2024 goal 2024 miles

                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                Dirty Girl

                  5 miles this afternoon on the roads (actually sidewalks) because the trails are closed for the hunters for the next two days. Today also starts my next 20 week training plan. Yay!


                  QOTD: I dont have a christmas list yet. Cant make one until after the birthday Wink


                  Glad to see everyone over here!


                   4/13 Bull Run Run 50 miler- DONE!

                  Shakedown Street

                    6 and change on some crappy single track loops that a stroller mama told me about. Basically 1/2 to 3/4m loops off of a concrete running trail. Live and learn, will not visit there again and go back to my tried and true local stuff.


                    1k in tha pool.

                    Started-5/12, RWOL refugee,5k-24:23 (1/12/13),10K-55:37(9/15/12),HM-1:52:59(3/24/13)


                    Faster Than Your Couch!


                      QOTD: I dont have a christmas list yet. Cant make one until after the birthday Wink




                      Yours coming up as well? Wink


                      I haven't given my list much thought yet, but now that you're mentioning it, I realize I have two chances of getting my headlamp! Yay!

                      Run for fun.


                      Faster Than Your Couch!

                        Cue music...  "Please alow me to introduce myself...  "


                        With the new home I figured that I was due a name change.  In another Forum in a galacy far-far away I was known as "Slowdown".


                        Gosh I go out of the country for a few days and all hell breaks loose and we actually move to a new place !!!  Were you guys trying to move without telling me?  Gosh that hasn't happened to me since my parents moved while I was in College...  (well just kidding, they did tell me where they were going.)  Love it.


                        Hey LB2, like your photo.  Who's that cute short guy on the right?


                        I did an easy 5 miles up river this morning.  Rainy and cold here.  I guess they are having some serious flooding here (here is England at the moment).  Has it made the news back home over the pond?  The ankle is feeling a bit better, but I am going to take things easy this week.


                        QOTD: I think I'm getting coal this year...  Evil 


                        Woohoo, you found the place, too. Not that I was doubting your navigation skills - definitely not after your 78-miler in England - rather the opposite! (insert smiley "in awe" here).


                        I had been off over Thanksgiving, too, and returned just in time to catch the train. Glad you made it. Let me know when you'll be in my area, I hope some snow on Tussey Mtn will remain until then!

                        Run for fun.

                        Endurance Guy

                        Pain cave junkie

                          Another day off today.  Ifelt tired after 5 hard days of trail running and mountain biking.  I plan a trail run tomorrow and a light mtn bike ride on thursday and then off till Saturday's trail marathon.


                          Be well,



