Trailer Trash


Weathering the Weekender (Read 15 times)


    Squeezed in 5 just before daybreak. I have to go to town with wife and kids to find a prom dress and eat lunch. I'll try to get at least a half marathon done this afternoon/late this evening to get in the 200 miles in 30 days I need. Tomorrow might be a wash out, so I'll be in position to get the 200 for the month of January if I can get this done later today. I just like having a 50 mile per week average for a 6 to 8 week block before I start to back off. It is just a number I have in my head.


    QOTD: Do you obsess about mileage, or anything else, when an event's date is getting close?


    I think just mileage these days, and I am not necessarily obsessed with it. I feel like I could probably run the thing right now. I feel really, really good. I don't predict a fast or pretty run, but I feel like I will be able to finish it with a little time to spare. I would like to execute it perfectly. I don't have a goal time, but I am working on that.



      LB2, pretty much the same weather here this weekend. I got up very early and drove over to my DD’s house to run the Greenway next to her house. It was 55° with drizzling rain (and some heavy periods) but it was really nice, did 15 miles, the first 1.5~2 hours before sunrise.  It was just me and lots of deer out there.   I did see a pair of runners when I was just about done.  Then I circled back to my DD’s house and my DD and I did 3 miles together, we didn’t see any more runners I guess because we hit one of those downpours during that time.  Anyway a really nice 18 miles in the rain.


      Tomorrow it’s supposed to be heavy rain all day, with thunder storms thrown in so I’ll try to avoid the t-storms.  We’ll see.


      qotd:  I do keep the mileage up, but I don’t obsess over it, but I do obsess a little over getting those b2b 20 miler weekends in.



        6 miles with the group this morning. One friend wanted to do 3, so we did that with her then headed out for more. Now planning an early March trip to AZ and looking for a casual small race. 

        qotd: 😆 (though I am routinely impressed with everyone else’s dedication and training prep)

        Queen of Nothing


          So I ran walked Jack this morning 3.2.  Came home and ate then ran  a different trail for 7 miles...getting in my 10.    Even though the 3 with Jack was SLOW I was still worn out at end of 7. 

          qotd:  I don't oppress unless doing the 2323 game which I am, so now obsessing on miles.








          running under the BigSky

            Let's see.... -15F with the windchill , that would be a solid no, sooo...


            4 miles on the dreadmill, with the handy calculator 1600' of gain (and felt like it!)


            qotd: no obsessing here 


            Queen- shouldn't it be 2023, like the year?  my goal this year


            2024 goal 2024 miles

            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

            2021 goal- 2021 miles √


            Queen of Nothing


              Uh yea 2023 you count hiking in your miles to reach 2023?  I cannot do it on running alone.


              Let's see.... -15F with the windchill , that would be a solid no, sooo...


              4 miles on the dreadmill, with the handy calculator 1600' of gain (and felt like it!)


              qotd: no obsessing here 


              Queen- shouldn't it be 2023, like the year?  my goal this year








              running under the BigSky

                Uh yea 2023 you count hiking in your miles to reach 2023?  I cannot do it on running alone.



                seeing as I don't run anymore- yeah 


                2024 goal 2024 miles

                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                  10 miles at Headwaters this morning.  Was supposed to keep it around 1000 ft of g/l, so no climbing to the top, which would be a lot more fun that running Miles 2 and 3 over again.  Oh well.  Ya do whatcha gotta do.  I should've eaten more the 2nd hour, and now at 9:30 p.m., even though I've been grazing all day, I'm hungry.


                  QOTD: I obsess over miles.  I've always been a run by miles not time person because I'm a back of the pack / one of the last to cross the finish line runner.  I have a tendency to get anxious if I don't hit a mileage goal.

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance



                  running under the BigSky

                    still -15 to -20 windchills here, so forced to the gym- strength trained and then hit the dreadmill for another 4 miles; it's looking like this cold snap should break about Tuesday- fingers crossed!


                    two days now that Tiny Elvis hasn't gotten on the trails- he's getting a wee bit cranky 


                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                      They said today was going to be a washout, and they were right. No getting out early, it was raining and t-storms when my 5:30am alarm went off and it’s been much the same since.  Now mid-afternoon it’s so dark that we turned on some lights.


                      All those words to say…. “no run today”. 


                      QoN: yeah, as they say… a mile’s a mile.


                      mt: you need to give TE a biscuit.


                      Queen of Nothing


                        Sunday was a 1.5 mike run with Hack so I could hit my mileage goal in the 2023 game...this is known as getting my green.  Then skied rest of the day.