Trailer Trash


Western Wednesday. (Read 25 times)


I lost my rama


    AT:  Is Bert-O Korean???  with a name like Bert?  Thought for sure he was polish!  


    Sue, I'm Bert-o, not Bert-ski.   And ethnically I am a banana, or some might say a Twinkie.  This ethnic classification isn't on official government forms, but give it time. 

    3/17 - NYC Half

    4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

    6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

    8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours

    Queen of Nothing


      thank god for the "other" box! 


      Sue, I'm Bert-o, not Bert-ski.   And ethnically I am a banana, or some might say a Twinkie.  This ethnic classification isn't on official government forms, but give it time. 










        Sue, I'm Bert-o, not Bert-ski.   And ethnically I am a banana, or some might say a Twinkie.  This ethnic classification isn't on official government forms, but give it time. 


        You do know there are a few other uses of that term, besides the one you mean, right? And, all of them can be seen, or bought, in NYC. 

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        I lost my rama


          You do know there are a few other uses of that term, besides the one you mean, right? And, all of them can be seen in NYC. 


          Haha!!  I will neither confirm nor deny that I once lived in the West Village.

          3/17 - NYC Half

          4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

          6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

          8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


            Yes, I did meet up with our leader shortly ago. Been awhile and I would have loved to spend more time with her but not this time. And yeah, I have been a little pushy about the poles.  Like others here, I have used them backpacking for years and can't imagine going without. On the other hand I am indifferent about using them while running. I'll use them on real long mountain runs but not around here and I have yet to carry them in a race. Certainly can aid in stability when you are tired on a rugged technical mountain trail and can help keeping up a good cadence.


            LB--Extensor tendonitis is the condition usually associated with top of the foot pain.  Aspercreme can help. Sometimes it's a simple lacing issue and sometimes your own biomechanics just don't work with a particular shoe. Stretches, specific strengthening,  and ice can help along with several weeks of time.


            As for myself, I have a little heel pain from my rock infested 30k of a few days ago. Just trying to suck it up and carry on. Vitamin I helps. Just minor right now but I'll have to be careful for a few more days. Had a chance to take tomorrow off from work so I 'm heading up shortly for 5 days at the cabin. I have to put together a solid 5 weeks of running to not be embarrassed  in the mountains by AT, Warden, and maybe Sue or anyone else.


            Sue--That is one of the finest running pics I have seen. Very nice!


            QOTD- 170


              THIS AND THAT…


              mt and AT – I have no doubt that there are other places that would do something like riding horses to the airport. Actually my “only in Texas” comment really refered to a lot of other really nutty stuff that goes on around here.  Also I hear that there was a small segment on the local ABS News station, but I didn’t see it.


              AT – the Mongol Derby folks haven’t put all of the website info together yet, but once they do I’ll give links.  I did see that course map you linked, if that is really it it’s going to be a flat and fast course.  Devan prefers the rugged mountains, but of course she’ll do whatever they have in mind.


              MM – 15 hrs of PT is a lot!!!


              Korean Custom – Ha Ha.  I can’t claim to be an expert but I have lived there for 7 years. It’s very common for husbands and wives to form into separate groups when doing stuff, whether is hiking, at parties, etc.  They just tend to hang out and talk among their friends.  If westerners are involved in the events, Korean husbands and wives tend to stick together a little more. Korean families are really strong, I think it’s just the norm to form separate gender groups when out in public. And by the way, there is very little public displays of affection (even holding hands) among husbands and wives over there, but that's not only in Korea.


              Bert-o – I thought you were originally from Easter Island. By the way, the West Village is cool.


              QoN – “3 people fell and Earl only cause one of them.” – that is hilarious!!!!   And thanks for the photo, that’s also funny… and a bit strange at the same time…


              Trekking poles – I’ve never tired them, but I do remember some older guys saying that they stopped using them for running because overall they thought they slowed them down.  Since I am slowing down so much lately I don’t think I want to add to that!!!


              dhuffmann – My DD has done Tevis 3 times (2 finishes and one she was pulled at the finish line), now she wants to run it.  I say go for it!!!



                One more thing on the trekker poles--I think Warden would agree, if you have a set of quality poles like Black Diamonds Z-poles, they are very light and you can break them down in a second and just carry where you don't really need them and then extend them in a snap when needed. Often I won't bother to break them down on many mtn. courses but just carry along until needed. I think an asset in the right application.


                Le professeur de trail

                  I love my BD z-poles.  And they are long enough for a guy of my height!


                  One more thing on the trekker poles--I think Warden would agree, if you have a set of quality poles like Black Diamonds Z-poles, they are very light and you can break them down in a second and just carry where you don't really need them and then extend them in a snap when needed. Often I won't bother to break them down on many mtn. courses but just carry along until needed. I think an asset in the right application.

                  My favorite day of the week is RUNday


