Trailer Trash


Winter weekender (Read 13 times)


running under the BigSky

    4 miles with Tiny Elvis this morning, will strength train this afternoon


    our weather is going from bad to FAR worse- several double digit below 0 weather and looks like some record lows will be smashed as well 


    qotd: Christmas supper this year?  Looks like ham and all the trimmings for us



    2024 goal 2024 miles

    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



      Mike--couple of your daytime highs look real tropical. Throw another log on the fire, eh.


      6.5 yesterday and just 4 today. I will add some rowing during football in a bit.  I'll be heading out Monday afternoon so I'll get out of here before Montana's bitter cold gets here, thankfully.


      QOTD--I have no idea, could be anything from a full blown turkey dinner to maybe pot pies. I do know DW and GS will be making lots of cookies. I'm good. 

        MT  No thank you on the temps.  Just no.


        40 min of core/ST after work yesterday.  Stupidly, I did some solid leg work and boy were they tired for this morning's trail run.  I got home 3 hrs ago and I'm still tired.


        As I was driving to Headwaters, drove by a lady selling Christmas decorations and homemade jams.  Went back after I got cleaned up and bought an Apricot Peach Jam, Blueberry Honey Cobbler Jam, and Razzleberry Jam.


        QOTD: Don't know, but coincidentally, like Harrier, I was thinking a pot pie sounded good.

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


          Warden, like Fatozzig said, 


          I volunteered at a trail race today.  I was going to say it was chilly, but now I'm reconsidering after seeing what the hearty MT folks are enjoying!


          QOTD: Roast beef, mushroom gravy, Yorkshire pudding, etc. etc. Basically the same dinner we've been having since I can remember.

          6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


            mt - yeah, that’s dang cold!!  Too cold for me.


            Did 10 mi this morning. I almost stayed in bed, but once I got going (and especially afterwards) I was glad I got my butt out the door.


            qotd: we’ll do our traditional bagels and lox Christmas Eve, not sure what’s planned for Christmas Day, it’ll be just DW and me. Who knows, maybe pot pie. 



              Morning-- Got ini just under 6 yesterday with the group. My legs felt tired, and I was slow, but it was a nice morning to get out. Today is still TBD. My coffee seems to be especially tasty and warm this morning.


              qotd: Rib roast and fixings. As like last year, a raw and seasoned roast will be part of my check in luggage. plus a cheesecake  Arriving christmas morning, this just is easiest. With my mom at 80 and getting ready for knee surgery in January, the goal is to keep her off her feet.  My brother and niece will be bringing side dishes and beverages.



                qotd: Rib roast and fixings. As like last year, a raw and seasoned roast will be part of my check in luggage. plus a cheesecake  Arriving christmas morning, this just is easiest. With my mom at 80 and getting ready for knee surgery in January, the goal is to keep her off her feet.  My brother and niece will be bringing side dishes and beverages.

                It is hard to beat a rib roast.


                I hiked 3 miles yesterday while scouting around in the woods. I located a motherlode of squirrels for my dad's annual birthday squirrel hunting extravaganza. He turns 76 on January 1st, and that is what we do, squirrel hunt. I ran 7 this morning. We are supposed to have a low of 15 degrees on Friday morning, December 23rd. I am looking forward to testing out my cold weather boots. It will probably be the only time I get to test them in similar temperatures before we go to Nebraska next November. But maybe we will get a little snow sometime in January or February that will let me test them again. They should be fine down to around -20, which we won't see here and probably not in Nebraska in November.


                QOTD: My wife just told me that we having gumbo for Christmas dinner. I am not sure if that means I am cooking it or my sister in law's boyfriend. His is good; and even if it wasn't, I don't mind not cooking.


                Queen of Nothing


                  So far no run this weekend just dogs walk of 4 miles.  today to be determined.  Should run.  

                  qotd:  My cousin is cooking and no idea what but always plenty.  Hmm chicken pot pies sounds good, maybe make them for my sister and I Christmas Eve.

                   05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                   08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






                    Sounds like Harrier mighta started something.  


                    While The Hub was working at a job this a.m., I cooked up a big batch of blueberry sourdough pancakes to freeze and have ready to throw in the toaster whenever wenwant.  Then it was a quick grocery shopping trip, after which I tackled our gargantuan hydrangea and got it pruned back. It's a beast that gets well over 7' tall and probably 10' around every year.  One of these years, I'm gonna have to take the plunge and prune it WAAAY back or else it's going to take over the back yard.


                    Afterward, it was almost 30 min of core work.

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance