Trailer Trash


What's up Weekend? (Read 14 times)


    Hi all, Keeping my non-running streak going. Today will be day 8, unless I get out. Might just wait until tomorrow. Heel feels a little stiff, but better. And the hole in the bottom of my foot is almost healed.  Ok, it wasn't a hole but exaggeration helps my case....


    In the meantime, DS and I are in MN-- and with the fall foliage at it's peak in the northern half of the state, we did a daytrip to Duluth. Except it ended up a very foggy day. Still beautiful nonetheless. And made me regret not extending my stay a few days to run one of the shorter Wild Duluth races next weekend.



    qotd: Weekend plans? Mine involve prepping a room for painting, and swapping out a couple of lights that after 30+ years, have decided to bite the bullet. and Sunday, more painting plus taking DS to the in-laws in the SE of the state where he'll be working for a couple of weeks. He'll be heading to northern AZ right after the holidays, so until then, his gap year will involve earning a living.


      DC: That is a beautiful picture.


      I ended up getting a couple of more miles in last night helping my dad track a deer. We didn't find him, but I think the deer will be okay. We tracked sporadic blood and tracks for a very long way. The deer never bedded down or fell down. He mostly kept moving or would stop momentarily like deer normally do. I could tell most of that from blood and/or tracks. Eventually, we lost him, but I suspect we will see him again on camera. I hate when that happens, but just like everything else in life, there are good and bad aspects of it. We cannot know the good without that bad, and we cannot know the bad without the good. The cycle continues!!


      I ran a little and hiked a little this morning, mostly checking for deer sign which was found in abundance.


      QOTD: I cleaned the pool and plan to help my father in law on his roof today.



      running under the BigSky

        Nice pic run trail!


        got my little wood stove burned in yesterday, along with adding some additional guy lines- after the stove cooled set it up in the tent and I think it's going to work swell   Elvis and I got 4 miles (800') in yesterday with my heavy pack on my back, I think slowly, but surely I'm getting conditioned for hunting season which is just around the corner Smile


        will get a few miles in sometime today as the high is only 61, so doesn't matter when I (or possibly we if DW decides to go)


        qotd: I'm taking a little break from house cleaning, as anyone who has done it- it's hard work!  DW is out getting the week's groceries, she's probably taking her time so I get more cleaning done   we're going to watch the Grizzlies play today, they lost a heart breaker to Eastern Washington last weekend.  They only moved to spots down in the national polls- from 4 to 6, essentially swapping places with Eastern Washington.  They will be highly motivated today and return to their home turf!





        2024 goal 2024 miles

        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

        2021 goal- 2021 miles √



          Yesterday I ended up on the MTB, did 15 miles.  Then this morning I got up and did 13 miles running.  Since it's only been 3 weeks since the hondo, the legs hit the wall at about mile 11+, so the last mile or so was. . .   interesting. . .   to say the least.  Legs were dead and wobbly, I just gritted my teeth and kept running slower-and-slower, but I made it home.


          Really nice photo runtrail.


          LB2, on my Thursday evening run I saw 5 deer. I guess they are staying close to the burbs in order to avoid the hunters.


          mt, what keeps the chimney from burning the tent where it goes thru?


          qotd: Just hanging out, doing the odd chore I guess.



          Are we there, yet?

            Walked and shuffled through 3.2 miles.


            QOTD:  Relaxing and watching football. I'll skip the MLB playoffs for now.

             2024 Races:

                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





            running under the BigSky

              my buddy sewed in a stove jack, you can see it the middle picture, it has a flap rolled up at the top so you can roll it down when not using the stove- it's fiberglass/silicone fabric- very heat resistant, but yeah you just could cut a hole in any tent and use it as is Smile


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √







                  LB2, on my Thursday evening run I saw 5 deer. I guess they are staying close to the burbs in order to avoid the hunters.


                  mt, what keeps the chimney from burning the tent where it goes thru?


                  qotd: Just hanging out, doing the odd chore I guess.


                  You may be right, but I don't think there are too many folks in the woods right now hunting with archery equipment, be it bow or crossbow. My dad was shooting a crossbow. I stopped hunting with a bow many years ago. I had quite a bit of success with it, but the last one I shot is probably the last one I will shoot. It takes, for me, a lot of practice, and the weather here isn't great for sitting outside until the end of October. Now, we have the veteran's hunt that starts at the end of October, so I just don't want to put the time in when I have so many other activities I enjoy.



                  Are we there, yet?

                    Settling in to watch the Chicago Marathon. Will run later.  Watching Boston tomorrow.

                     2024 Races:

                          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                      Hi, Peeps  -


                      After a little over a week away, we are back home from our vacation in the Central Oregon area.  We stayed in a "cabin" just north of La Pine - which is really a single wide modular home that's been deck out to look like a cabin.  Very cute, well supplied, great location for everything we were interested in doing.


                      Between the hiking and running, I managed about 40 miles while we were gone.  The Hub was a great sport with the hiking, doing two 7+ mile hikes and a grueling 5-mile hike at Smith Rock.  Well, the first approx 3 miles were grueling - average 20% grade going up, which meant an average 20% grade going down (it's called "Misery Trail" for a reason), but after you were rewarded with a beautiful hike along the crooked river.  If you ever get to Central Oregon, I HIGHLY recommend Smith Rock.   The place is absolutely stunning.

                      May be an image of nature


                      We also hiked the Pauline Lake Loop, which was 7.5 miles;

                      May be an image of nature and tree


                      And Tumalo Falls Loop that had about 8 different waterfalls:

                      May be an image of nature, waterfall and tree


                      As it goes when traveling with The Hub, we were up and gone by 4:45 this morning for the 7 hr drive home.  It sucks getting on the road that early, but it meant we were home before 12:00.  Unfortunately, I messed up calendaring my vacation time and have to go to work tomorrow while The Hub has tomorrow off.  Of course, he's his own boss, so he can take off whenever he wants.


                      Tomorrow it's back to the regular grind!

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance



                        Got up and did 20 miles this morning. Just a slow steady jaunt to log the miles for the virtual team relay.  Here’s my fun story for today… At about mile 7.5 a little after day break I was running along a new hike/bike path near where the river empties into the lake looking at something in the water, either a log or a gator, not sure which one, but probably a log. Just then a spooked young buck (maybe 4 or 6 points) went screaming by near me in the bushes he was flying, as I diverted my attention to look at him running like crazy, I almost stepped on a young copperhead!! It was jumping at me!!   By the way this is the same spot where an owl lives who I’ve seen or heard quite a few times but not today.  Exciting times!!! I decided I should actually watch where I was going. 

                        fatozzig - great photos, looks like a nice place to spend some quiet time.



                        running under the BigSky

                          fatozzig- very nice Smile  sounds like a nice vacation!


                          4 miles (800') with my 55 lb pack, accompanied by DW and TE


                          2024 goal 2024 miles

                          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                          2021 goal- 2021 miles √