Trailer Trash


Wonderful Wet Weekend (Read 16 times)

    For almost all of my 23 miles in today.  Ended up with 22.30.  I wasn't going back out to get the extra .70.


    It rained pretty good on the drive to Prairie Creek, but I lucked out and it tapered off to an off and on drizzle the rest of the day.  And it was warm.  I wore shorts and a short sleeve shirt and was comfortable the whole time.  The foot bridges have been pulled for the season at Fern Canyon, so between it and 3 other creek crossings, I was up to my ankles in cold water 4 times.  I definitely hit a wall the last 5 miles.  There's a 2-mile fairly flat stretch that just kills me.  Sucks the energy right out of me and I don't know why.  This was my last LR before my personal FA 50k on Nov 13. . . . I sure hope I do better on the 13th than I did today . . .  But I did see 10 deer and 3 separate elk herds on my drive to and from the Park, so that that's something.


    Anyway, I got it done and now that I'm home I've been using my massage gun on all my sore parts and pieces.  I feel like I'm trying to get tendinitis in my right heel, of all places, but rolling with a nubby ball and icing has helped, so I'll keep that up.


    QOTD: Do you get massages on a regular basis?  I haven't had one in forever, but am definitely going to set up an appointment soon.  I need it.

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance



      Fatozzig: I think you will probably have a great FA50K. I think your timing of the last long run is perfect. When I was participating in events, we would always set something up like that around my parents' house. In fact, that is sort of how we discovered the spot where I was Saturday in the paragraph below.


      Saturday, I hiked and hunted. I ended up shooting a pretty nice 6 point at 8:30 AM along the river. Three bucks came out, but one saw me before I saw them and got nervous. I had to make a quick, fairly long, off-hand shot that I have to say was impressive. The biggest of the three was initially mistaken for a doe because I couldn't see his antlers against the river birch. It wasn't until he bolted at the shot that I caught a glimpse of a better set of antlers. Ahh, the one that got away... After processing my deer, I picked up the lumber I need to build a support wall on my porch to replace a laminated beam. Then we trick or treated last night. I was the designated driver for the Halloween party. I guess I covered about 2.5 to 3 miles with all that.


      Today, I will run. I may take my nephew and daughter hunting this afternoon. This weekend and through 11/5 is the youth and veteran's deer rifle season. A few years back they reduced our limit from six deer to three, so I am in no hurry to fill another tag. It is good to have some meat in the freezer this early, and it isn't very hard to get three deer between the middle of November when rifle season opens and the end of January when it closes.


      QOTD: I have only gotten a massage a couple of times, but they were worth it.



      running under the BigSky

        nothing like a couple of cold creek crossings to wake one up 


        LB- congrats on the deer!


        I went into the backcountry Thursday/Friday for a deer hunt (permit area)- hiked about 25 miles in some really rough country.  I saw lots of deer (more deer in this area then I've seen since we moved back to the west side of the state 8 years ago)- probably 60-70 deer in two days.  Unfortunately all the bucks I saw were young ones and I'm being very picky on harvesting a buck that far back in Smile. Went elk hunting yesterday with a buddy where I harvested my bull last year.  Bumped a few cows/calves, but it's bull (brow time) area only.  Got a good dose of climbing over the day.


        qotd: I got one just one time, it was short- freebie at a race I attended.  I have to say that it was very nice.  I could use one today as a matter of fact!



        2024 goal 2024 miles

        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

        2021 goal- 2021 miles √


          Those photos!!  Wow!


          Congrats on the deer, LB.  T-or-T on the 30th?? Isn't there a law against or something against that?? 

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance


            Fatozzig, WTG on the long run!  The tougher the LR, the better, IMO.  Sounds like you're ready for your FA50k


            I volunteered at a trail race in the Oakland hills yesterday and arsed around today.  Got my booster shot on Friday. While no side effects remotely close to the first time, I felt a little off all weekend.  So I just took it easy.


            QOTD: No, I don't like massages.  I'm a little weird like that.

            6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


              Those photos!!  Wow!


              Congrats on the deer, LB.  T-or-T on the 30th?? Isn't there a law against or something against that?? 


              Thanks, and there should be a law against T or T on 10/30. LOL.



              Are we there, yet?

                Those photos!!  Wow!



                Indeed! Especially that last one. I've never seen such vivid colors for a sunset (or sunrise).


                QOTD: Only massages I've ever had were at races where they were offered free.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






                  qotd: Yes, I get a massage once a month now.  When I was "racing" I'd get one every 2 weeks, one before the event and one after.  Not sure if they helped or just my slow ass never really worked up sore muscles but I never got sore.