Trailer Trash


Tempo Tuesday (Read 14 times)


    Warden: The streaming sort of didn't reload, and I switched over to watch "1923".


    I ran a 5 mile tempo run this morning. It was a really nice run. I'll keep the frequency of running the same this week with a reduction in volume, but next week, I'll drop the frequency to 5 days and probably end up with about 25 to 30 miles.


    QOTD: Is there anything you tend to obsess about before a race?


    Weather. I'll start checking the weather 2 weeks ahead of the event.


      6 miles this morning in cold, wet (and for a brief few seconds hail) conditions.  Ladders were on the schedule and, quite frankly, they suck.  I understand the necessity of their evilness, especially for someone as slow as me, but they still suck.  Although, I did better than I thought I would.  By the time I got home, I was soaked and dang cold, but I tell ya, using my massage gun right after makes a world of difference in how things feel an hour or so later.


      And yes, Tiny Elvis is tougher than all of us put together.


      QOTD: Well, I haven't run a real race in over 4 years and have one coming up in April.  For this, as the same with others, I obsess of making the cutoffs, only this time I imagine I'll be a little more tense over the issue.

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance


      Queen of Nothing


        1.5 walk with Jack he's catching on about me trying to get some run miles with him and refuses to be used.  Went back out and ran 4.  Should of been 5 but helping my brother deliver flowers today.  

        qotd:  making sure I have the right clothes and where a good place to eat afterwards.


        fatozigg:  Hope all this training makes you faster.  I am middle of backer and have no interest in approving my speed if it takes hard work.  I'm ok with mediocre 








          fatozigg:  Hope all this training makes you faster.  I am middle of backer and have no interest in approving my speed if it takes hard work.  I'm ok with mediocre 


          I've always been a back of the packer runner, and being laid off for so long definitely didn't improve my speed.  All I care about is making the cutoffs, even if I come in DFL.  Heck, I came in DFL at my first 50 and got 2 prizes! 

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



            Hello. Baker and I ran 5 last night out at the lake. Nothing special but the weather was sure nice. More like late March then the middle of February. Lots of folks out. That's a relative term but more than a normal winters day. Not quite amateur hour at least. Today, nicer yet but decided on a 4 miler up on the local trail in dog wog fashion. Might putz in the yard, clearing a few weeds that somehow survived our "cold" months.


            QOTD: Yes. A good morning crap on race morning. When it happens, such a relief. I have a pretty good track record there. The only time I shit in the woods during an ultra was Laurel Highlands in 2015. Several times. The aforementioned did not happen. Had a pretty good race though once that cleared my system.

            In dog beers, I've only had one.


            running under the BigSky

              It's a little cold & windy here, so going to wait a few hours before heading out to the trails- can't get any worse 


              qotd: no racing, but lots of adventurous trips - always weather as well as it really effects what I'm going to need to bring- what shelter, what sleeping bag, what clothing, the list goes on and on


              I've got two different go to weather reports I look at- which lets you select a very specific geographic area and NOAA's spot forecast, also lets you pick a very specific area.  I also look at nearby Snotel sites as they give me an idea of how much snow to expect (if any), you can also look at recent weather parameters- precip, highs & lows, etc.


              Having a forecast for a nearby town (if there even is one) doesn't translate into what you really can expect when you start getting into higher elevations


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                5 mi easy today, took me a bit to loosen up after my rest day. plus it was 81° this afternoon.  Queen, you’re right, I have been taking a few more rest days since I retired. 

                qotd: I don’t get too obsessive before races anymore, but I do tend to have some extra layers in my drop bags that I tend not to use.




                  QOTD: Yes. A good morning crap on race morning. When it happens, such a relief. I have a pretty good track record there. The only time I shit in the woods during an ultra was Laurel Highlands in 2015. Several times. The aforementioned did not happen. Had a pretty good race though once that cleared my system.


                  This is something I can definitely relate to. It is critical. I have had to get off trail during a few races, but in 2014 at Mt. Cheaha 50K, things didn't work out prior to the bus ride to Porter's Gap. By the time we got there, it was not good. We must have been the second or third bus, and all the port-a-potties were occupied with a significant line at each one. I had paper and about 400,000 acres of national forest. I dug out a hole in the woods and went. After that, I was good even though I was horribly undertrained for that event.
