Trailer Trash


Wet weather weekend (Read 16 times)


    No one showed up this morning for the coffee shop run! This has never happened before, even in single digit wind chills. It was raining pretty steadily, and during game time, so I understand. I only showed since it was my morning to do the route and I was pleased that I could just take the long way home and call it a run. I do need to still get out for a few more miles, but now the rain has moved out.


    Good luck on the lottery, Sandy!


    qotd: Favorite piece of gear you're currently using? Mine is pretty simple-- I have a lightweight adidas running jacket that is very versatile. Easy to use over winter layers, or like today, use over short sleeves in 50s to stay dry. I had to dig in a few places to find it this season, since we are living with DS and his stuff, but I found it just before I tried to replace it.


    running under the BigSky

      7 miles (1300') for Tiny Elvis and I.


      Had two big dogs in the middle of nowhere come charging in on us, they got to about 30 feet and put a round into a tree between them- that did the trick.  I honestly thought I was going to have to kill those dogs.  If I ever see them again charging us, they'll be magpie feed.


      Other than that, a beautiful winter day.


      qotd: tough one; probably most used piece of gear is a Black Diamond Alpine Start windshirt- summer through winter it gets used



      2024 goal 2024 miles

      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

      2021 goal- 2021 miles √



        Hi runtrail, sorry no-one showed up this morning.  As for me, thanks but no luck for me in today's lottery.  No surprise, but I was still hopeful. Now I'm taking a peak at the HR qualifier list - thinking about something in Arizona. Stay tuned I guess.


        Hope that Gatsby had better luck than I did.


        mt; wow, that's messed up.   I guess their owner was nowhere to be seen and didn't investigate after hearing a gunshot.


        I took a SRD today.  didn't feel like running in mid-70s temps and brutal humidity.  Especially since tomorrow morning it's supposed to be much better.  At least in the upper 50s.


        qotd: I'm going to say my running gloves that I wore the other day.  Only because it indicates that it cold enough to need gloves. 



          So I left Virginia and spent a few days around the Canaan Valley area in W.V. Ran some nice trails and up a couple that I don't think I'll need to do again. Did have a storm roll thru and boy did the temp drop. I had to stop over at a Dollar General just to buy a cheap stocking hat and gloves. I guess it helped to get me acclimated to what I have now that I'm back in northern Wi. Ran for a little over an hour today and the temp was 9F. Anyway, DW is still in Va. at DD's and I'll head back once a baby is born.


          QOTD--I suppose now that I'm back to running in Siberia I'll say my Marmot running gloves I bought a couple years back. Game changers.

            After 3 hrs of shoveling soaked gravel and rock and wheellbarrowing it down the trail, the few of us who showed up were d-o-n-e. My arms, shoulders, and back are toast. Last month we had twice as many people (and worse weather), so 2-3 people to 1 wheelbarrow.  Today, 1 person to 1 wheelbarrow, so twice as much shoveling.  The upshot is lunch was breakfast burritos, everything cooked there with lots of options.  I'm almost embarrassed to say I ate two. 


            QOTD: Favorite piece of gear . . . hmmmmm . . . maybe my new, rechargeable Nox Gear running vest.

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance



              I re-evaluated my running plan and referred back to my John Morelock plan of 3 hard weeks and one easy week where the 3 hard weeks build to a crescendo and back off. So, I hiked a little bit yesterday and only run 6 or 7 today. I have confidence in that plan because I know it works well, and I am not trying to win anything. I am just trying to get somewhere.



              QOTD: My Flipbelt is my favorite piece of gear. I don't need many things on a run, but it holds everything I need and doesn't bounce around or chafe me. I barely know it is there. I just want to keep things simple, and it does just that.



                A running bud of mine informed me this morning that I'm number 34 on the Hardrock waitlist in the Male Finisher category.  LOL, I'm not holding my breath on that.  Those spots are like gold and those HR veterans aren't gonna give them up easily, and I'd need about half the category to decide they didn't want to run next summer.  Fat Chance.


                I did 15 miles this morning.  A pretty good run actually.


                  Rainy yesterday but sunny today. I went up to Auburn for the WSER drawing yesterday, but no dice. Can’t imagine why not, with 4% chance of getting picked.   Always fun catching up with folks there. Today I’m doing an aid station at a fat ass 50k/50M around the city of SF.  It’s free but some aid is provided.  But no permits or insurance or other official trappings.

                  Sandy, does HR share data about how far down on the waitlist they go each year, like WS does?  At least then you’d have a better idea of how hopeless it is. 

                  Warden, annoying about the dogs, especially bc the owner seems to be a POS who doesn’t care about his animals.

                  QOTD: kind of excited about some prescription sunglasses for running that I got at Target optical. I wear them a lot.

                  6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                  7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                  9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                  Queen of Nothing


                    It was a walking weekend.  Walked 4 Saturday and 4 Sunday....Sundays walk was about exploring....find a trail  and followed it.  

                    qotd:  nothing special....


                    sandy:  I would think 34 isn't too bad....

                    gatsby:  Did you already answer and I missed it......were you in the drawing for your Aid Station ticket?








                    running under the BigSky

                      4 miles (700') with Tiny Elvis on a cold winter's day- high of 18 degrees today


                      no drama today, didn't even draw my revolver  


                      2024 goal 2024 miles

                      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                      2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                        Gatsby, I think they do, but it would take some hunting to find it (or I could just email the RD). But the veterans don’t give up those spots unless they are really hurt. I think they typically only go 3 or 4 deep into the WL.  Now the “beginners/newbies” might go deeper, the first year I got in I was 13th on the WL and the RD called me 4 days before the run. Yeah, I hightailed it up to CO to do it (my first DNF).


                        QoN: see above. No way it’ll go anywhere near 34.


                        So…. I pulled the trigger and signed up for the Mogollon Monster 100, Sept 9, 2023. Something on the horizon to train for.


                          Sandy, Mogollon Monster sounds like a beast -- that is, it will live up to its name.


                          Queen, I didn't get picked in my RC lottery.  First runner-up for the 3rd year in a row.  I'll get it one of these years.

                          6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                          Are we there, yet?


                            I didn't get picked in my RC lottery.  First runner-up for the 3rd year in a row.  I'll get it one of these years.


                            It's a conspiracy to insure you'll be at the aid station instead of running.

                             2024 Races:

                                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.