Trailer Trash


warming weekender (Read 14 times)


running under the BigSky

    The only good thing about a below zero snap is that when it gets into the 20's it feels like Spring 


    Tiny Elvis and I got in 6 miles (1300') today; fresh snow with lots of elk sign- never saw a man track, we had the whole place to ourselves!


    qotw: do you binge watch at all?  I'm usually really good about watching an episode (sometimes two) on a series we're streaming.  I'm rewatching The Wire and sad to admit, it appears I've become a binger!  Have watched as many as four episodes in a row!! 




    2024 goal 2024 miles

    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



      Warm weather won't return until tomorrow here. Got in 6 this morning with the group, with the last mile in snow flurries. Now catching up with laundry...


      Sandy-- I saw that about the north kaibab trail. the pictures are astounding and as someone who has done a lot of trailwork, that will not be an easy fix. The R3 running season might just be done for a while.


      qotd: Yes. I've been bingeing 'Homeland' and now in season 4. But Im also known for quitting a binge and thinking I'll come back to it. Still have a long ways to finish 'orange is the new black' and have been in the last season of  'breaking bad' since it ended.


        Went for that shakedown hike with DD this morning.  We ended up with 8 miles.  She decided to let the horse rest rather than come with us, good thing because he might not have like some of the bushwhacking we had to do around some downed trees, but he did photobomb us when we got back to the barn.


        Ha, I think I was laughing because DD said she was trying to take the pic w/o the tire in the background, ooops.


        The youngster photobombing us for treats.


        qotd: we try to limit to two episodes a night so we don’t binge a whole season at once.  We just finished “The Fall” on Prime, it was great.



        running under the BigSky

          ^ The Fall was great!  I really wished they would have run that a couple of more seasons.


          If you liked the Fall, check out The Killing (if you haven't already)


          2024 goal 2024 miles

          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √


          Queen of Nothing


            No run last two days...been skiing.   Today I went to a defunct ski hill.  My cousin's friend bought it.  So we were skiing pure powdered....and then got pulled back up the hill via water skiing.  But also very exhausting.  

            qotd:  Not to often....I miss the days were you have to wait a week for the next show.

             05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

             08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







              If you liked the Fall, check out The Killing (if you haven't already)


              Yes we saw The Killing, it was also good.  Last night we watched a movie called “Operation Mincemeat”, also very good.


              Got up at dawn and ran 7 mi this morning. A balmy 73° and humid. Very sweaty like yesterday. Uuugh, wish we’d get some of the winter weather some of you guys are getting.


                Where'd the weekend go?  I need like a month off.  I'm tired of working.  Don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon, though. 


                Love the photo bomb.


                So my coach's instructions for yesterday's trail run was to run a trail with some hills and work on hill running.  Well . . . I decided to go the Arcata Community Forest.  BIG mistake.  There's nothing flat about the ACF, which I'm well aware of since I've run there for years, but my legs were dead from the beginning and it never got better.  13.75 miles, 2,696 feet of g/l, 4:21:00 later, I was D-O-N-E.  And today I don't feel a whole lot better.  I think I need popcorn and a good movie.

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                  15 yesterday, 8.6 today.  It's been in the 40s since our "snowstorm" last week so I guess that counts as warming.  Best part of the 3mm of snow that we got was the photos of the 3" high snowmen that people made.


                  Warden, beautiful snowy pics.


                  Sandy, sounds like a fun day with your DD and the horse photo-bomber.


                  Fatozzig, nice hilly workout!  I agree that weekends go by too fast.


                  Still monitoring weather at Monument Valley.  More snow in the forecast for the middle of the week than clear on Friday and Saturday, which is race day.  Guessing there will be snow out there for the race, which will be ... interesting for me, who never runs in snow.  I have no snow gear like Yaktrax or spikes.  I'm just going to wear trail shoes and hope for the best.

                  6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                  7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                  9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                  Queen of Nothing


                    Cool race location....enjoy!  Guessing sand will be more of an issue then snow.

                    15 yesterday, 8.6 today.  It's been in the 40s since our "snowstorm" last week so I guess that counts as warming.  Best part of the 3mm of snow that we got was the photos of the 3" high snowmen that people made.


                    Warden, beautiful snowy pics.


                    Sandy, sounds like a fun day with your DD and the horse photo-bomber.


                    Fatozzig, nice hilly workout!  I agree that weekends go by too fast.


                    Still monitoring weather at Monument Valley.  More snow in the forecast for the middle of the week than clear on Friday and Saturday, which is race day.  Guessing there will be snow out there for the race, which will be ... interesting for me, who never runs in snow.  I have no snow gear like Yaktrax or spikes.  I'm just going to wear trail shoes and hope for the best.

                     05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                     08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄