Trailer Trash


the mid-week daily (Read 14 times)


running under the BigSky

    Morning Trailers!


    Our three day snowshoe turned into a two day trip- snow in most places was horrendous, lots and lots of post holing which sucks the life out of you.  Day one was 8 miles (30 lb pack) and just 3000' of gain through crap snow.  We fell short of where we wanted to be and knew the snow wasn't going to get any better, so decided to camp on the high ridge we were on vs dropping down to the next drainage (and only have to reclaim it).  Day two was better as we only had to climb about 900' on the way back and more importantly we had already broken in a trail.


    Wee bit sore this morning (and hungry! )


    Will get out for a few miles with Tiny Elvis some time today.


    qotd: reading and/or streaming?  reading Ridgeline by Michael Punke, based on the Fetterman Massacre in 1866 in Wyoming- pretty good; just finished season one of True Detectives- this season had Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey- tracking down a serial killeer(s) in the Bayou country of Louisiana- excellent (but dark)



    2024 goal 2024 miles

    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



      I road the mountain bike for one mile and hiked 2.5 miles this morning. I think I can run faster than I can ride that bike. I need to work on figuring out the gearing. I got the bike at a garage sale. I need to do a little resistance training today. I was supposed to do that yesterday, but work got in the way, seems like a good excuse. But I have to get it done today.


      QOTD: I read Ridgeline. Right now, I am streaming "Jack Ryan". It has been popping up for a long time on my Netflix or Amazon thing, but I just never watched it. It is pretty good, though. I am also watching "1923", which is very good.


        Great photos, MT, but no thank you!


        About 45 min of core/ST this a.m.  Going up the stairs here at work, my legs are feeling yesterday's hill work and today's leg work.


        I see a tiny bit of blue sky out my office window, but it won't last.  In checking the hourly forecast on, it looks like I'm most likely in for a very wet run tomorrow morning.  Friday and Saturday won't be any better, so it's not like I can wait it out.  Makes it hard to get out of bed in the predawn hours.


        QOTD: Currently reading "Devil's Knot: The True Story of the West Memphis Three".  You don't have to work in the law field to be appalled by how badly those 3 teens were railroaded.  The Hub read it first, and when I would ask him how the book was, he'd say, "I don't know.  It's just making me mad" and now I know why.


        Streaming - We watched "Three Pines."  It was really good.  The ending was a total "What the hell?!?"  Hopefully, there's a 2nd season.

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance



          Got up and did 13 miles this morning, it was very warm.  I walked about 5 of those middle miles in the park with my old running bud (LB2 has met Robert). A few years ago he learned that he has afib and had to get a pacemaker, and he's now at the point where he can only walk, but he's still able to keep up a pretty good pace.


          qotd: LB2 we're also watching Jack Ryan (I read a lot of Clancy in the day so it's fun watching some of the back story, we're in season 1). fatozzig, we watched Three Pines a while back and really liked it.



            Got up and did 13 miles this morning, it was very warm.  I walked about 5 of those middle miles in the park with my old running bud (LB2 has met Robert). A few years ago he learned that he has afib and had to get a pacemaker, and he's now at the point where he can only walk, but he's still able to keep up a pretty good pace.


            qotd: LB2 we're also watching Jack Ryan (I read a lot of Clancy in the day so it's fun watching some of the back story, we're in season 1). fatozzig, we watched Three Pines a while back and really liked it.


            I was thinking about Robert a couple of days ago, believe it or not. Weird...


            I am on season 1 of Jack Ryan, too. I read a bunch of Clancy novels, too. When we had a Nintendo that was working, I used to waste a lot of hours playing "Ghost Recon". That game is really interesting because some of the back story on that was very relatable to current events in the same region where the game is set.



            Are we there, yet?

              A few years ago he learned that he has afib and had to get a pacemaker, and he's now at the point where he can only walk, but he's still able to keep up a pretty good pace.



              I wonder if there were other complications. I had A-Fib, which has been corrected, and have had my pacemaker for over a year now, but it hasn't slowed me down much, if at all.

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles





                Ran last night like I said I would (doesn't always work that way ). Good post-run beer. Today has been 5.5 miles of dog walking, including a few miles around the lake while DH got a quick fishing session in (4 rainbow trout). Chowder was apoplectic about getting out in the woods. We kept our distance from other dogs and really only saw a small poodle in the distance. He's feeling much better and no more coughing.


                qotd: Just finished 'Fleishman is in Trouble', which I really enjoyed and Clare Danes is phenomenal. I need to pick up a David Sedaris book at the library-- 'Happy Go Lucky'. I am rarely ever disappointed in his work.

                Queen of Nothing


                  3 mile walk with Jack and later in the day 5 mile  run.  I joined the 23 in 23 distance game in RA.  

                  qotd:  Just watched the Making of a Murder...didn't realize it was 11 hours could of been 3....should of googled the ending.  I have been doing movies cause one and done...hate how series suck you into the next show immediately.  Books...just light stuff.








                     I wonder if there were other complications. I had A-Fib, which has been corrected, and have had my pacemaker for over a year now, but it hasn't slowed me down much, if at all.


                    Yeah, there are some other things going on as well that affect his 'efficiency' but I don't have all the details.  When he was first diagnosed with a-fib he was still running quite a bit and pretty well. Then later they put in the pace maker.  Now a few years later he is limited to walking only, both because he feels physical limitations and his doctors (and his wife) say no running.  As I said above he can still walk at a pretty good clip, today he went about 8 miles walking (we met up and walked together for 5 mi when he was at his mile 3 and I was at my mile 5).  At some point he may need to be put on the transplant list, but not yet.  By the way, back in the day his 100 mile PR is a little over 17 hours, not too shabby.
