Trailer Trash


Frankly Friday (Read 12 times)


    It has been a long week. And I have quite a bit of work to do today to catch up/get ahead. This morning, I did resistance training, still waiting for the horseflies to be completely gone. I am marking that as Monday, maybe tomorrow... I think from this point forward for the year I will lift weights 3 days per week and run 3 days per week with a one day rest period. I have really enjoyed the strength training, and I think it has "taken" this time.


    QOTD (Yesterday): Robins, crows, hawks, cardinals are the main birds I see. Robins in winter, but everything else hangs around all year. Turkeys frequent the immediate surroundings until about 2 weeks before the season starts. I know they aren't far because when I returned from Oklahoma at the end of April I found a bunch of tracks down the hill from my house.


    QOTD: Weekend plans?

    I may go fishing in the morning. We were going to float the river again, but I don't feel like driving down to drop off the kayak; then drop off a vehicle; then get someone to take us back to the kayak. I may just go back to the river and wade up about a half a mile and try to catch a few.


      An hour of core/ST/mobility work this a.m., then in to work almost an hour early.  Why?  *shrug*  'Cause I was up early.


      Good MAT session last night.  He's also a personal trainer.  I told him about my 2- year goal running plans, so he and I are going to be working together once or twice a month on some functional core/stability exercises.  First order of business is to make a homemade weighted sled with a used tire.  He said to fill the rim with rocks, but I figured out it'll be easier to cut some pieces of 2x4 for a bottom plank, go the beach and get a couple of buckets of sand, get some heavy duty bags from the hardware store, fill 'em with sand, and add more as I get used to the weight.  A lot easier than dragging home more rocks.


      Gatsby - I'm looking at running a 50M or 100k late next year (August to early October).  Any suggestions that wouldn't be soul-crushing? I'm willing to travel a little ways, if we make a vacation around it. Maybe stupidly, I have been eye-balling Lake Sonoma 100k. I know I said not soul-crushing, but there's a 20 hr time limit if you're not trying to qualify for WS, although there is a 50-mile, 9:00 pm cutoff.  I've run Mt. Hood (1 finish, 1 DNF).


      QOTD: Hit the trails for 5 miles, then I'll be helping the The Hub at one of his jobs.  He'll be wielding a hedge trimmer while I'll be on the wrong end of a rake, which will also include getting my squats in while picking up all the trimmings and stuffing them into garbage cans, then hefting the cans into the back of the truck.  I don't take them very often, but I foresee a muscle relaxer making its way into my pie hole at the end of the day . . .


      I tell ya, every time I work with The Hub, I appreciate how hard his job is and I understand more and more why he is counting down the days to age 65 when he can quit.  It's really hard work.

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



        I actually ran this morning, did 6 miles and finished at the gym.  Then did some stretching and core/back stuff followed by hot tub/pool intervals.   Met my DW there and we drove home.  It was also nice because we happened to bump into 3 or our friend there too.

        qotd: no plans. I’m sure I’ll be assigned something to do by my DW. 



          3 miles dogwogging with Chowder this morning. After two days of rowing, my legs felt it today. But, the skies are slowly clearing and I wanted to get out.


          qotd: Running plus going kayaking tomorrow afternoon, if plans hold. I need to start work on the patio part of the new garden plans, but I need a break from all that backbreaking labor  We're also in the early stages of buying a new car so maybe a test drive or two.


            I'm ailing a bit, my left PF has flared up real bad so I'm hobbling about. 4 miles so far this week, 18 last week.  Have had it in the past a couple times and this is just as bad. So frustrating, especially knowing how long this could take to heal. Still getting some good mt. biking in and running a little. Trying to keep my head up and smiling though.


            After getting the most snow this winter since records were kept we have only had rain once or twice all year. So dry but yet the mosquitoes are thick due to all the standing water earlier from the big snow. Sooner or later they should abate...I hope.


            QOTD--try to do some running on trails, mt. bike Sunday evening when the tourons head home. Move some rock, split some wood, do some canoeing, Oh, and watch a little MSNBC. Pretty awesome right now!



              Gatsby - I'm looking at running a 50M or 100k late next year (August to early October).  Any suggestions that wouldn't be soul-crushing? I'm willing to travel a little ways, if we make a vacation around it. Maybe stupidly, I have been eye-balling Lake Sonoma 100k. I know I said not soul-crushing, but there's a 20 hr time limit if you're not trying to qualify for WS, although there is a 50-mile, 9:00 pm cutoff.  I've run Mt. Hood (1 finish, 1 DNF).



              Fun!  And great that you're planning ahead so that you have time to get your ducks in a row.  I'm assuming that you'd be bringing your trailer if you make a vacation of it?


              A few random thoughts:


              I've heard nothing but good things about Lake Sonoma.  I haven't done it, but it's well established with a good reputation (it pretty much has to be since they're a WSER qualifier).  It's associated with Healdsburg Running Company, who are well known and very active in the trail running community.  There are some big climbs, no doubt, but the 20 hour cut-off is not bad at all.  Just practice your hiking and you'll be fine.  I see they have on-site camping too, which would be nice if you bring your trailer.  October is sort of a mixed bag when it comes to weather down here.  Could be hot, could be raining.  Odds are good that I'd make it up to say hi to you, if not run the race.


              I like Dick Collins Firetrails 50 at the end of September, with 8500 feet of climbing.  But, the hills are positioned such that it's a bit soul crushing, with a giant climb at the end.  And it's usually hot.  Plus I'm not sure how camping-friendly the East Bay Area would be.  But I love that RD and his races are always well supported and full of amazing volunteers.


              I'm intrigued by Secret Beach 100k at the end of August. I haven't done it, but the coastal scenery looks really cool.  With 12,400 feet of climbing, it's less demanding than LS100k but the cut-off is also tighter, at 18 hours.


              Keep me posted!

              5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                Dick Collins was my last attempt at a 50 over 7 yrs ago and I missed the last cutoff by 15 min.  Had a horrific cramping situation about 9 miles from the finish that locked me up from the waist down.  I remember it being hot.  So I have some unfinished business there . . . 


                I also looked at Secret Beach.


                Decisions, decisions . . .

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance



                  Oh, and watch a little MSNBC. Pretty awesome right now!

                  I just read the 49 pages, you can't make this stuff up - a total dumpster fire. Just confirms what I've known since my time living and working in NYC during the '80s and '90s.



                  running under the BigSky

                    4 miles yesterday w/ Tiny Elvis- starting to try and use a weighted pack (and the boots I plan to use on my sheep hunt)- 35# pack; will do that for a couple of weeks and then bump it up, hopefully by mid to late July I'll be in the 60# range.


                    2 miles this morning after ~ 8 miles on the mtn bikes with DW


                    qotd: little hiking and maybe another bike (we're watching the Tour de France series on Netflix now ), will hit the gym tomorrow too strength train.  Eats some ribs and drink a beer or two tonight 


                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                      4 mi this morning. Nothing special but it was warm and it’s supposed to get even hotter in the next few days.


                        So this is the Frankly Friday and weekender?  


                        Yesterday was a SRD.  Today, I did a 30k trail race in the East Bay.  Good hill training, with 3200' of climbing.  1st in AG, 4th female.  It was not a big field, only 25 people in the 30k, and there were other distances, up to 50k.  I had a LR on the schedule today so that fit the bill nicely.  Then I picked up a pizza, visited my dad, and did some chores for him.  Pooped now.

                        5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                          Nicely done, Gatsby.  You earned that pizza.


                          I got 5 sort of EZ trail miles at the McKay Forest. The Hub was gone to one of his jobs when I got up. I got down to the bottom of the forest, was chugging along, and realized I didn't leave a note or tell The Hub where I was going, so I made what the smarter decision to go back up to the top to finish the 2 miles I needed.  After that, I went and worked with The Hub for about an hour and half.  Then came home, watered, finally ate some food, then we went grocery shopping.  After, came home and chilled.


                          Tomorrow, I have a 45 min bike ride on tap.


                          I need to replace my road shoes. I wear Brooks Adrenaline. Dear God, but there are some butt ugly shoes out there!

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance



                            Got in 5 miles with Chowder yesterday. Hilly and harder than usual, but it felt good to have it done. Then DH and I went kayaking on the Bay. Found a new secret spot, thanks to the suggestion of a stranger. Beautiful evening on the water, though Chowder was a bit nutty. Loves to swim and has been good on the kayak in the past. But oh boy, last night he was a pain. Kept crying and whimpering, especially when he could easily see DH.


                            Congratulations, Gatsby!


                            Will go for a easy run or walk in the woods later today. It might hit 90, which we've rarely seen this year so far. Might even have to turn on the AC.


                            running under the BigSky

                              Congrats Gatsby!



                              6 miles (100') with a 35 lb pack, no pack pack for Tiny Elvis 


                              2024 goal 2024 miles

                              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                              2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                                runtrail, looks nice and peaceful out on the water.  Mostly ocean kayaking around here, which looks a little terrifying, unless you stick to the harbor, but that doesn't look very enjoyable.


                                10.5 easy miles with a couple RC friends.  Legs are feeling heavy and worn out, but in a good way.  Chores on tap for the rest of the day, including finish the pizza!

                                5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR
