Trailer Trash


Mild Monday w/ race report (Read 33 times)


    Well, the race was total disaster. First loop was right on schedule, but I noticed some tension start to build in my back and shoulders. I thought I could work that out on the second loop, but it got progressively worse to the point that I was having to stop and really stretch on the second 12.6 mile loop, which put me well behind my modest pace. I stopped at 25.2 miles. I really don't understand what happened. I am not particularly upset about it. Saturday and Sunday I focused on rehydrating (lots of water), walking, and resting. I don't think I could have drunk anymore on during the run, but it didn't seem to be enough. And I had so much salt on me at the end of the second loop that I looked like some sort of a crusty, prehistoric relic. I ran a nice loop this morning. I felt like I was trained perfectly for what I wanted to do at the run, but things just went to crap quick. It was warm, but it wasn't that warm. Plus, the humidity was quite low. On a good note, the guy who won the 50K on Saturday ran it in 3:18. That is a 6:22 per mile average pace, what a great day for that guy. I know the guy who won the 100 miler, and he finished in 17:31. We ran together and chatted a little bit when he lapped me. LOL.


    QOTD: What does your week look like?


    Catch up on work from Friday today, and I'll be in Baton Rouge for the next 3 mornings, which I dread. Running will be short ones.



      Well that kinda sucks a little LB. Sometimes despite a good plan it's not to be.


      We had a couple mild days this weekend and I ran an 8 and a 5 on the bike path. Now it's snowing, overnight we got about 4" and it looks like we'll get a couple more before it's done. And like a typical March pattern we'll be mild again over the next week. I'll probably just row and do weights today.


      On another note--I decided to enter the Canyon de Chelly lottery at the 11th hour and then watched the live drawing yesterday and my name was called. Cool beans!


      QOTD--Now that we're back home I'll start on some of my organizational projects. Our addition/remodel thing is finally all done after what seemed like forever.


        Well that kinda sucks a little LB. Sometimes despite a good plan it's not to be.



        I was going to throw in that report that at the end of the second loop I needed to call someone for advice, so I called Kelly Agnew who asked me how far from the timing mat was the closest port-a-potty. LOL



        running under the BigSky

          LB- sorry to hear that, but I think we've all been in that situation, I know I have 


          Got 5 miles in Saturday and 4 miles in on Sunday- nice hill workout on Sunday and got playing around with my watch and figured out how to look at the heart zones.  I was pleasantly surprised that other than about 6 minutes in Zone 3, the rest of it was in Zone 2- not bad considering the first 1.5 miles gained ~ 1300' and was tiptoe steep!


          I strength trained yesterday and while on my third set of deadlifts, tweaked something in my leg hamstring.  I've been icing and gently stretching and it feels better today, going to try a short hike later- fingers crossed.


          qotd: I have to get my taxes done, have procrastinated long enough!  If my hamstring doesn't object will continue to hike daily.



          2024 goal 2024 miles

          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √


            LB - That sucks, give you have a fantastic attitude. It definitely is a puzzle to work out.  I wonder if you were unconsciously carrying your body in a different manner.


            Congrats on Canyon de Chelly, Harrier.  Looks like a beautiful place to run.


            It's official.  I'm tired of having to run in the rain and cold.  Saturday I went out to Prairie Creek and froze my a$$ off most the time.  It poured rain on the hour long drive there, but once I got there it turned to snow . . . then a little rain . . . then a little drizzle . . . but lots of mud, debris on the trail, slippery roots, freezing hands - ack!  I power hiked most of the trail because I was afraid of slipping on the roots and injuring myself.  My hands were so cold, I had a hard time getting to my nutrition.  Lots of debris due to the downed trees, but the park crew has been busting their butts to keep things cleared as much as possible.   . . . Anyway, I was glad to get back to my car and change into dry clothes.


            Yesterday was a rest day, but I got my tax stuff done and I'm ready for my appointment next week, and I got The Hub's invoices done.  After that, we finished bing-watching "The Fall" on Prime.  Quite the psychological thriller.  Gillian Anderson and Jamie Dornan was fantastic.


            Today was 6 chilly predawn miles, with the last mile in - you guess it - the rain.  About halfway through the last mile I came up on 6 cop cars, an ambulance, and a fire truck.  I don't know if it was car vs. car or pedestrian vs. car.  I asked if I could continue on through, and the office asked me to go on the opposite side of the street and on the sidewalk.  I didn't stop and looky-loo.

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance



            running under the BigSky



              After that, we finished bing-watching "The Fall" on Prime.  Quite the psychological thriller.  Gillian Anderson and Jamie Dornan was fantastic.




              Agreed- The Fall was a dandy!  


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                LB, bummer that the race did not go as planned.  Sometimes things blow up spectacularly, sometimes lots of little things add up to tank a race, and sometimes weird sh*t just happens.  Hope your recovery is quick.  Onward!


                Harrier, very cool on getting into CdC!


                Warden, annoying about the hammie, hope it's feeling better soon.


                Fatozzig, do you live in a county that had all State and Federal tax deadlines extended because of the winter storms?  We do, so we're in no rush to do our taxes.  Pretty sure that we'll owe money and the government can wait their turn.  


                QOTD: Took today off of work to catch up on chores after being away for the weekend.  Regular work week otherwise.


                Mini RR from the weekend: I really enjoyed the Monument Valley 50k on Saturday.  The weather was cold and clear, around 30 at the start and 40s during the day, with gusts of chilly wind.  Definitely a day for layers.  Some hints of snow remained from prior storms and there were some short muddy stretches from snowmelt, but otherwise it was dry and sandy.  Trail gaiters were essential in keeping my feet mostly sand-free.  It's a stunning place, with vivid red cliffs, rocks, and sand and bright green sage and other flora dotting the landscape.  The course was mostly gently rolling hills, with a big, steep, rocky 1500' climb up to the top of Mitchell Mesa at around mile 22, oof.  Then back down and over to the finish line.  Aid stations were not extravagant but had everything you needed.  It was a race course to enjoy, not speed through, and I finished just over 8 hours, good enough for 2nd place in AG.


                The race was organized by NavajoYES, a nonprofit group that does running and cycling events, trail work, outreach, and other events to promote an active, healthy lifestyle on the reservation.  The local community was very involved in the race, from starting us off with a Navajo chant and blessing, to staffing the aid stations, to manning the start/finish line.  A good group, check them out!


                We arrived to a spectacular sunrise at the starting line.



                Some snow remained, mostly on the northern faces of the rocks and cliffs.



                Hard to capture all the vivid colors, but these plants were a beautiful seafoam blue/green.



                This is Mitchell Mesa behind me.  Later in the day, we climbed up the back side to the top, 1500' in one mile.



                Here is the view from halfway up the climb to the top of the mesa.  If you look closely, you can see the trail we took on the valley floor and up the right side.



                The view from the top was pretty incredible.



                And... done!


                6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                Are we there, yet?


                  Fatozzig, do you live in a county that had all State and Federal tax deadlines extended because of the winter storms?  We do, so we're in no rush to do our taxes.  Pretty sure that we'll owe money and the government can wait their turn.  



                  Doesn't matter when you finish your taxes as long as it's by the deadline. You can wait until the last minute to pay.  I finished mine in late January and I'm just sitting on the voucher waiting until April 17th to pay since the 15th is on a Saturday.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                  running under the BigSky

                    Gatsby- gorgeous pics!  congrats on the finish 


                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                    Queen of Nothing


                      No run, 2 mile walk with Jack. Still sore from skiing, worse pain was from getting slammed in the calf by the chairlift. 

                      qotd: Nothing major planned.  Taxes done which means I am done with handling my parents estate.  

                      LB2: Sorry to hear it didn't work out as planned.  So what's next?  Another or go back to running to just run? 

                      runtrail:  Mount Bohemia was thighs were screaming ...skiing through trees....make to female ratio was probably 20 to 1. 

                      Harrier:  Congratulations...that was once on my bucket list.  

                      gatsby:  Nice job on race.  It's a magical place.








                        Quick and very short 2 miles this morning as we were packing to leave flagstaff. Went thru Sedona as Oak Canyon is always beautiful, especially so with the snow. Wanted to hike but DS was very tired and we needed to get they Phoenix before rush hour. Now sitting with a cocktail watching the moonrise over the mountains east of Tucson. 

                        LB- sorry to hear about the race. 
                        NH- good news on the lottery results!

                        gatsby- congratulations and great pics!


                        Qotd- southern AZ the back home Friday am.


                          No run on Monday. Spent half the day driving back from west Texas. 

                          LB2: Bummer, sorry to hear it didn’t go as planned, I can relate.

                          NH: great job getting thru the lottery.


                          Gatsby: Great job on the AG finish. Looks like a cool place, great photos!!
