Trailer Trash


Ash Wednesday (Read 14 times)


    I ran an easy 3.5 miles this morning. I may get out for some more later. I have to go do a site visit at a high school to make sure their technical area is up to our standards. I have been there already, and it exceeds our standards and anything we have at any of our sites. The place is awesome. I'll do a report and hopefully be done with thinking about anything but running and turkeys until the end of the race and the start of Alabama's turkey season until the end of April.


    QOTD: Will you give anything up for Lent?


    No. I don't really indulge in anything excessively, except maybe running. I have reduced my beer intake for February, and I won't drink any beer at all for the next 10 days or so. But I did that to see how it impacts my weight leading up to this run.



    Are we there, yet?

      After yesterday's short interval workout destroyed my legs, I'm thinking seriously of taking a rare rest day.


      qotd: No,  fasting for Lent is not in the religious tradition I've grown up with.

       2024 Races:

            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





        Got in 5 hilly miles at a good pace last night with the brewery group. We had light almost all the way to the park. Of course in two weeks, we’ll have a lot more.


        qotd- as a kid, my family followed Lent and I never was able to stick to any sacrifices. Now, as a non practicing adult, it’s not relevant

          45 min biking to nowhere, followed by 30+ min of core/ST.


          Western States - I don't know if I mentioned that awhile back my beset friend who I've volunteered at WS with for the last 9+ yrs received an email from the River Captains stating she was no longer welcome back because, in a nutshell, some volunteers had said she made them feel unsafe in the water.  How that's possible, I have absolutely no idea since 90% of the time I'm the one who has been in charge of the volunteers while they're in the water, getting them rotated out on a regular basis, etc., and Chris Thornley, who is in charge of water safety, has never expressed any concerns to me.  Personally, I think Karen, who can be blunt and to the point, offended someone.


          A few weeks ago, I sent Jose and Diane an email with some ideas re volunteer need/scheduling if this year ends up being a boat year.  This morning I opened my email to this:


          "We wanted to let you know that we the River Crossing Captains will not need your help at the 2023 race in June and at future WSER races moving forward. If you are still interested in volunteering at the WSER, please contact Laura Matz at who may be able to assist you. Thank you."


          No explanation, nothing.  This was my response:


          "Hi, Jose and Diane - If you don't mind, may I ask why? After volunteering for so many years, an explanation would be appreciated.

          I am aware of the email Karen Peterson received a few months back wherein it was indicated some volunteers had felt unsafe while working in the river. I have gone over and over in my mind how that could be possible, considering ever since I started volunteering, safety of both the volunteers and the runners have been my utmost priority.

          If I somehow offended someone, I would like the chance to apologize and see if the situation can be rectified.

          The consideration of a reply would be greatly appreciated."


          For the last couple of years, I've tried to get them to work on scheduling shifts for the volunteers instead of having the majority of them show up in during the day and then be left with a less than ideal number through the night.  I've also worked hard putting together and implementing a solid plan of rotating volunteers in and out of the water. Chris Thornley has had complete confidence in my ability to monitor the volunteers and ensure the safety of them and the runners. The only thing I can think is Jose and Diane's long-time friend and volunteer coordinator, Tony, has somehow been offended.


          I won't say I'm shocked, but I am angry.  I haven't done anything wrong.  I suspected this might happen considering their dismissal of Karen, and I doubt they'll change their minds on letting me come back, but I want and deserve an explanation.  My hope is that a volunteer position elsewhere might be available, because I really love working at this race.  It means a lot to me.


          QOTD: Grew up Baptist, so never observed Lent.

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



            45 min biking to nowhere, followed by 30+ min of core/ST.


            Western States - I don't know if I mentioned that awhile back my beset friend who I've volunteered at WS with for the last 9+ yrs received an email from the River Captains stating she was no longer welcome back because, in a nutshell, some volunteers had said she made them feel unsafe in the water.  How that's possible, I have absolutely no idea since 90% of the time I'm the one who has been in charge of the volunteers while they're in the water, getting them rotated out on a regular basis, etc., and Chris Thornley, who is in charge of water safety, has never expressed any concerns to me.  Personally, I think Karen, who can be blunt and to the point, offended someone.


            A few weeks ago, I sent Jose and Diane an email with some ideas re volunteer need/scheduling if this year ends up being a boat year.  This morning I opened my email to this:


            "We wanted to let you know that we the River Crossing Captains will not need your help at the 2023 race in June and at future WSER races moving forward. If you are still interested in volunteering at the WSER, please contact Laura Matz at who may be able to assist you. Thank you."


            No explanation, nothing.  This was my response:


            "Hi, Jose and Diane - If you don't mind, may I ask why? After volunteering for so many years, an explanation would be appreciated.

            I am aware of the email Karen Peterson received a few months back wherein it was indicated some volunteers had felt unsafe while working in the river. I have gone over and over in my mind how that could be possible, considering ever since I started volunteering, safety of both the volunteers and the runners have been my utmost priority.

            If I somehow offended someone, I would like the chance to apologize and see if the situation can be rectified.

            The consideration of a reply would be greatly appreciated."


            For the last couple of years, I've tried to get them to work on scheduling shifts for the volunteers instead of having the majority of them show up in during the day and then be left with a less than ideal number through the night.  I've also worked hard putting together and implementing a solid plan of rotating volunteers in and out of the water. Chris Thornley has had complete confidence in my ability to monitor the volunteers and ensure the safety of them and the runners. The only thing I can think is Jose and Diane's long-time friend and volunteer coordinator, Tony, has somehow been offended.


            I won't say I'm shocked, but I am angry.  I haven't done anything wrong.  I suspected this might happen considering their dismissal of Karen, and I doubt they'll change their minds on letting me come back, but I want and deserve an explanation.  My hope is that a volunteer position elsewhere might be available, because I really love working at this race.  It means a lot to me.


            QOTD: Grew up Baptist, so never observed Lent.

            That is BS. I think they owe you an explanation, too. Lord Balls needs to grow a pair and tell you why.


              Chris is Lord Balls' brother.  A really nice guy.  I figure in order to be considered for another volunteer position, I'll have to give an explanation of why I was dismissed from this one - as far as I understand it, especially if no explanation is given.  I will definitely use Chris as a character reference.

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance


              Queen of Nothing


                Fatozzigg---what a bunch of shit!!! Why can't adults be adults and if there was a problem explain it to the volunteer so they can make corrections.  So rude!  I totally understand your frustration!  I am sure you can find somewhere else to volunteer my old running group The Trailblazers do Michigan Bluff.


                Took Jack out for 2.5 slog and then ran 5 miles.  Trail is very icy with a layer of snow so it was slow going.  Skiing later tonight.


                qotd:  no. ...raised Catholic....ate fish on Friday but never gave anything up... never believed in the Catholic religion....didn't want to be confirmed but was forced....unlike today,  children were not given options of what they wanted to be.  

                 05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                 08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






                  Fatozzig, that's BS, as everyone has said. Petty political BS.  I wouldn't worry about finding another spot to volunteer.  Sounds like Queen could get you into Michigan Bluff.  I could put you on the list for ALT if you don't mind working at an aid station over night.  I'm retiring as captain of ALT but I'll be there volunteering.  Coincidentally, part of the reason I'm retiring is that there's a lot more micro-managing and stuff that irritates me about how things are managed now.  And I just don't have the enthusiasm any more to put in all the work that it takes.  So, I figured it was time for someone else with an open mind and fresh perspective to take over.


                  Did 6 miles with strides yesterday.  Some sort of speedwork is on the schedule for today.  Likely heading out after work.  It's been crazy windy, with a storm moving in and rain later this week.  I hate hate hate wind.


                  QOTD: I was raised Catholic but don't practice any more so lent is sort of a non-issue to me.

                  6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                  7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                  9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                    Fatozzig, that's BS, as everyone has said. Petty political BS.  I wouldn't worry about finding another spot to volunteer.  Sounds like Queen could get you into Michigan Bluff.  I could put you on the list for ALT if you don't mind working at an aid station over night.  I'm retiring as captain of ALT but I'll be there volunteering.  Coincidentally, part of the reason I'm retiring is that there's a lot more micro-managing and stuff that irritates me about how things are managed now.  And I just don't have the enthusiasm any more to put in all the work that it takes.  So, I figured it was time for someone else with an open mind and fresh perspective to take over.

                    Thanks, Gatsby and Queen.


                    I'm open to working anywhere and have no problem working through the night.  I'm a "stay from beginning to end" person.  At the river, we always showed before anyone else (except Chris) and worked until it closed the next morning.  They said in their email that if I was interested in volunteering still, I should contact Laura Matz.  I'll reach out to her, but if either of you have a recommendation of who else to contact, I'm all ears.

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance



                      fatozzig, sounds like someone at the aid station wanted to do what you and your friend have been been doing organically for many years. And they are butthurt about it and don't have the guts to be upfront about their desires to take over your duties. They probably have some sort of S&R or emergency services gung-ho types that want to implement some "new procedures and discipline".  It sounds like you have been doing a good job without any incidents or close calls, so it also sounds like a crock of BS.


                      I did 5 miles this morning.  I took yesterday as a rest day since my knee was acting weird, so gave it some rest, the knee is fine today so I guess it worked.


                      Funny thing today though, it was windy as hell here and the squirrels were going nuts.  At one point I heard a lot of squirrel skittering and leaves rustling right overhead followed by what I thought was a near-miss of a small branch landing right next to me.  Turns out it was a squirrel going splat on the ground right next to me, it sort-of shook itself and slowly limped off into the brush.  Hope it's ok.


                      qotd: sort of a blend of wc and dc's answer, giving up something for lent wasn't in the religion I was brought up with, and now I don't practice any religion as an adult.


                        Thanks, Gatsby and Queen.


                        I'm open to working anywhere and have no problem working through the night.  I'm a "stay from beginning to end" person.  At the river, we always showed before anyone else (except Chris) and worked until it closed the next morning.  They said in their email that if I was interested in volunteering still, I should contact Laura Matz.  I'll reach out to her, but if either of you have a recommendation of who else to contact, I'm all ears.


                        Laura oversees the general volunteer pool.  I think the volunteer sign-up link on the WS website goes to her.  If there’s something that you want to do, I think you can request it (e.g. I think it would be fun to work at the finish line).  She also assigns volunteers to aid stations if they request more people.  Why don’t you reach out to Laura and see where it goes.  If that isn’t working out, then come to ALT.  No hoopla necessary, I’ll just add you to our volunteer list.  Can do that up to early June.

                        6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR



                          Funny thing today though, it was windy as hell here and the squirrels were going nuts.  At one point I heard a lot of squirrel skittering and leaves rustling right overhead followed by what I thought was a near-miss of a small branch landing right next to me.  Turns out it was a squirrel going splat on the ground right next to me, it sort-of shook itself and slowly limped off into the brush.  Hope it's ok.




                          I'll "go out on a limb" and say the squirrel will be just fine. I have seen squirrels literally bail out of 50+ foot trees, hit the ground, and never miss a beat. It is windy as hell here, too.


                          Queen of Nothing


                            Her is the link to Sierra Trailblazers


                            go to Biard of Directors and email Rose and Erin...tell them Sue Piscatella sent you.  There page even asks for volunteers for WS.


                            Thanks, Gatsby and Queen.


                            I'm open to working anywhere and have no problem working through the night.  I'm a "stay from beginning to end" person.  At the river, we always showed before anyone else (except Chris) and worked until it closed the next morning.  They said in their email that if I was interested in volunteering still, I should contact Laura Matz.  I'll reach out to her, but if either of you have a recommendation of who else to contact, I'm all ears.

                             05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                             08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance



                              running under the BigSky

                                fatozzig- Wow- sounds very petty and childlike, hope it works out for the better


                                4 miles on the dreadmill, no trails to day (and likely the next two days)- give me snow, but you can keep the below 0 shit


                                qotd: raised Catholic- we had to give up something when younger (usually candy for me, which I don't eat anymore ), but haven't been to church in decades and haven't given anything up for Lent in decades.



                                2024 goal 2024 miles

                                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                                2021 goal- 2021 miles √

