Trailer Trash


No Sweat Thursday (Read 25 times)



    No run today...need to make a decision.  My number has come up on the Mountain Lakes 100.  It's an 11 hour drive and my friend who was going to go with me is catching a plane at 1PM on Monday.  I just felt it wasn't doable, as in not safe to pull an all nighter and than drive 11 hours.    Plan B was to ask if I could hitch a ride with 4 very tight knit group that makes everyone else feel like an outsider.  They are bringing a large truck with a camper on the back.  Her response was she would need to find out how much weight the truck and trailer could take before taking me on!  WTF!!   Me and my bag would probably be no more than 150 pounds.  Soooo may just blow this race off...or may head up myself. 



    WTF - tight-ass group more like it.  More the merrier in my book.


    I would say driving 11 hours solo after a 100 miler is not going to be easy.  Find another friend who can crew / drive with you, or stay over an extra day.  You're ready and healthy for the race, and if you want to do it, then do it.  Catch a plane if you have to and charge it to your DH's credit card. 


    Bottom line, make it work if you can, as most of us are proof that you'll never know what condition (health) you'll be in the next time you have an opportunity.

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



      Just thought I'd share my MRI results - pretty large tear in the medial meniscus (inside left left knee). On the plus side, long tears are easier to repair. On the down side, it's pretty deep in, which may make repairing it impossible. They won't know until they're inside. If they repair it then I'll have a longer recover but better long term results, while if they cut it out, I'll recover more quickly but potentially face more trouble down the road. I honestly can't say what I'd prefer at the moment.


      Also, I'm actually getting around fairly well right now, and will probably start running a little on Monday. I can't hurt it any more really, so I'll just go as tolerated while I'm on vacation. If for some reason I'm not in much pain and my running isn't hampered, then I actually don't have to rush to do the surgery. While I don't expect that to be the case, I at least want to give it a chance.




      The long term complications from a repair vs partial meniscectomy are quite different for runners, so hopefully blood supply is good and repair is viable.


      The meniscus doesn't have a nerve supply, so that's probably why you don't feel as bad right now.  Most of the pain comes from irritation to adjoining tissue and that improves with rest.  You mentioned that you had this before, so fortunately you'll know how to start back up with your running.  Take it slow and good luck.


      Where's the vacation?

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


      Go figure

          Her response was she would need to find out how much weight the truck and trailer could take before taking me on!  WTF!!   Me and my bag would probably be no more than 150 pounds.  Soooo may just blow this race off...or may head up myself. 


        QOTD:  My cold would never equal some of your colds so nothing really pops in my head.  Maybe the Vasa Trail race I Traverse City in November.


        SLAIR:  So sorry to hear about your knee


        That's the most ridiculous answer ever! I'd say go for the race though. The best times seem to come from the adventures that are the hardest to pull off.


        Sandy...Yeah, the doc more or less said I could do what I wanted to in the interim. There's a chance I could tear it more, but from what I gather, there's nothing to say that chance is any greater than it was to tear it in the first place. I won't get too frisky with it...and to be honest, I'm still walking with a limp, so running may be a lot less possible than it seems in my head right now.

        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


          No run today...need to make a decision.  My number has come up on the Mountain Lakes 100.  It's an 11 hour drive and my friend who was going to go with me is catching a plane at 1PM on Monday.  I just felt it wasn't doable, as in not safe to pull an all nighter and than drive 11 hours.    Plan B was to ask if I could hitch a ride with 4 very tight knit group that makes everyone else feel like an outsider.  They are bringing a large truck with a camper on the back.  Her response was she would need to find out how much weight the truck and trailer could take before taking me on!  WTF!!   Me and my bag would probably be no more than 150 pounds.  Soooo may just blow this race off...or may head up myself. 



          No. No. No. Nope. You need to do this race. Drive home with frequent breaks or make your husband drive. You cannot waste this fitness. Find a way. Maura probably isn't doing anything she can't break away from!!!



          Go figure


            The long term complications from a repair vs partial meniscectomy are quite different for runners, so hopefully blood supply is good and repair is viable.


            The meniscus doesn't have a nerve supply, so that's probably why you don't feel as bad right now.  Most of the pain comes from irritation to adjoining tissue and that improves with rest.  You mentioned that you had this before, so fortunately you'll know how to start back up with your running.  Take it slow and good luck.


            Where's the vacation?


            Thanks - I definitely would want them to repair it if they're in the knee and that is an option. Would you have an opinion on whether any old doctor would do for that type of surgery, or should I really work to find an in-network doc that comes highly recommended?


            I'm headed to the Outer Banks for 2 weeks. It's an annual vacation. This year should be really nice as I'm hosting our college soccer team get together for one of the weekends.

            Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


              Queenie - Do the race and get yourself a man bitch (your DH) to crew and pamper you post race. Stay over the night after your 100, have beer, and chill out. You must do this!

              In dog beers, I've only had one.


              Refurbished Hip

                No. No. No. Nope. You need to do this race. Drive home with frequent breaks or make your husband drive. You cannot waste this fitness. Find a way. Maura probably isn't doing anything she can't break away from!!!


                +1   Figure out a way, Sue!


                Sorry to hear about your knee, SIAR.  Surgery sucks, but I hope they have good news for you once they get in there.

                Running is dumb.


                  Sue: I will add to my previous comments here. I looked at the course information for the race. Obviously, it is a beautiful course. The elevation gain is between 10K and 11K, splitting the difference you end up with a little over 100 feet of gain per mile, on average. There are a couple of significant climbs from what I could tell. This course has 3 cutoffs: 4PM, Midnight, and 5AM. I think that is what they are. Anyway, the way those cutoffs are gives you a mental edge to break things down. It looks like a bit of a combination of big loops where you go back on some of the trails you went out on or something like that. Anyway, I always go back to the loop vs. point to point vs. out and back cut off thing that I have a major problem with in these long ones. On a loop course, I don't even think about a cut off because the only one that matters is 24 hours in most of the ones I am familiar with. If you run into problems, you have time to recover from them without the stress of the clock bearing down on you. It still is bearing down on you, but I don't perceive it that way. The point to point is the one that messes with my head because there is, in many races, a cut off at every aid station. It doesn't change anything about what you need to do as far as speed in most cases, but I start the race in a state of stress. They don't want me to finish!!! Not really, but my mind gets pretty weird in these things at times. So many things can go wrong in sections and you may not have a chance to get your act together before the cutoff. Out and backs are good, for the most part, because I just focus on the turnaround. They all have advantages and disadvantages, but this race seems to have a lot of things going for it in terms of how my brain works in these things.


                  I hope you can find a way to make it work for you. I think it would be awesome.


                    Hi all! Slept in today after waking up early to run M-W. Planning to run 5 miles later with my running group and our sister running group in the heat. Long run with marathon pace miles planned for the weekend while in NY visiting family.


                    QOTD: Probably also Chilly Cheeks or Ugly Mudder or one of Ron's races. Though I ran the Tyler 10k a couple years back, and though it was in April it was snowing real hard. What a fun time!


                      Yes, this should be Plan A, IMO.  Tell him 'happy wife....'.  Besides, I'm sure you put up with enough from him that it is part of the marriage balancing act.


                      I would say driving 11 hours solo after a 100 miler is not going to be easy.  Find another friend who can crew / drive with you, or stay over an extra day.  You're ready and healthy for the race, and if you want to do it, then do it.  Catch a plane if you have to and charge it to your DH's credit card. 


                      Bottom line, make it work if you can, as most of us are proof that you'll never know what condition (health) you'll be in the next time you have an opportunity.


                      Ran a speedy couple of miles on the treadmill and then went to yoga class with this new teacher. Big focus on strength work today, so I'm sure I'll feel it later. Yoga can be sneaky that way. And when I was leaving, this new guy, lots of muscles, tattoos and a man bun was telling our teacher that it 'was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be'.   good cross training day.


                      qotd: Probably a new year's eve race in MN 20+ years ago. Too long ago to remember, but averages around those days are usually 0 degrees.




                        Thanks - I definitely would want them to repair it if they're in the knee and that is an option. Would you have an opinion on whether any old doctor would do for that type of surgery, or should I really work to find an in-network doc that comes highly recommended?


                        I'm headed to the Outer Banks for 2 weeks. It's an annual vacation. This year should be really nice as I'm hosting our college soccer team get together for one of the weekends.

                        Surgery either way is not too difficult (usually shorter for a meniscetomy). A sports ortho might have slightly different starting approach, but that can all change once they view the knee. Important thing is to stress that you want the best outcome for future running, and surgeon will decide when he sees how blood supply is to meniscus.


                        Have fun in OBX. Sounds like a few cold beverages will be consumed. I'd skip any pick up beach soccer games if I were you. 

                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                          A scheduled day off after doing intervals last night. Also last day of work for a two and a half weeks. YAY! I'll run in the morning on some nearby mtn. bike trails and probably do some weights tonight after doing some lawn stuff. Heading west early Sunday. Double YAY!


                          Sue--do it. Take an extra day or two off work. Good luck.


                          SIAR- tough diagnosis. Also good luck.


                          QOTD--many years ago I did the Freeze your Gizzard Blizzard 10k in International Falls, Mn. A January race and International Falls lived up to it's billing as the coldest town in the lower 48. It was well below zero though with my memory the actual details are a bit fuzzy.


                          Le professeur de trail

                            No run yet.  Something short but I also want to run in the morning.  Heading to Chincoteague tomorrow with DW for the weekend! So excited.  But I want to hit 150 miles for August and I am 8 or 9 short so....


                            Queen - Just forget the race.  No need to bother if the details aren't working out.  


                            QOTD: Maybe a 5k in the 30's.  The worst though was Hyner (2012 I think) in the 40's and rain all day.  I was underdressed, unprepared and thus very cold.


                            Have a great night!

                            My favorite day of the week is RUNday






                              Queen - Just forget the race.  No need to bother if the details aren't working out.  




                              Some reverse psychology from our resident psychologist. Nicely played.

                              “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

                              Queen of Nothing


                                He wants to do ahundy before I do a hundy...



                                Some reverse psychology from our resident psychologist. Nicely played.






