Trailer Trash


Traveling Tuesdaily (Read 13 times)

    Returning from Ireland today. I’m ready to be home. I miss my birds. And I need to clean out the fridge since our power was out for a few days. Fortunately our fridge was pretty empty since we were away. There were big storms at home recently, as Fatozzig has reported, and some trees came down in our area. The person watching our birds lives down the road and she kept an eye on the house.


    Looking forward to getting back into a workout routine. Not looking forward to returning to work. 

    If any admins for this group check in, could you block that DorisBrown character?

    QOTD: Are you in any other “social media” groups like this one?  I’m in a few other groups here in RA (Ultra running, a couple women’s groups) and some running-related groups on FB. Were any of you on the RWOL forums?  Some of them were fun, until they were spammed to death.

    6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


      Morning trailers-- getting out shortly to meet my running friend. It'll be more of a walk, then coffee. He's over 80 now and his pace has only recently slowed. Then the brewery running group tonight for about 5 miles.


      Gatsby-- safe travels and hope you find the birds and house well on your return


      qotd: A couple of regional running FB groups, mostly to keep an eye on trail runs and races. Looking at a trip in March to northern AZ and thinking about planning more time in Sedona.  And yes to RWOL. Long enough to know why certain folks have a number in their profile name 


      Are we there, yet?

        Gatsby - hope you have lots of pics for us from your trip


        qotd: I'm in a couple other groups on RA.  I came here from RWOL after the spam fiasco. I was very active in a couple of those forums. I belong to a bunch of FB groups and am an admin for three of them.  I'm very active in a couple, but most I just browse and occasionally respond to, but rarely initiate any posts.

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





          I ran 6 miles this morning. It was a little cooler than I thought it would be. Run was super slow at about 11:02 per mile. Everything felt pretty good, but it was slow.


          QOTD: This is the only group I am in. I got off FB a few years ago. I still have an account, but I couldn't log into it if my life depended on it. I was in RWOL, which was fun. I don't think I ever got banned.


            6 wet, predawn miles this a.m. with 6 x 30 hill repeats that went much better than last week.  The whole run went better than last week, so things are improving.


            QOTD: I'm a member of the Ultra Trail running forum in RA, but rarely ever pop in, and am active in the Masters Forum on RA.  On FB, there are two local groups I'm a member of, Humboldt Women Runners and Humboldt Runs Trails, there's a group of us from way back in the Cool Running Days - WUTBCR (We Used To Be Cool Runners), the Trail and Ultra running **Ladies Only**, and a couple of other women only FB groups that I'm not very active in.


            What's RWOL?

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance





              What's RWOL?


              Runner's World Online. A bunch of people got kicked off the forum for various offenses. We eventually landed over here. Mandy was sort of the spearhead of the move to here as I remember it. It started as what I would call "the forum of misfit trail runners".


              Queen of Nothing


                I ran almost 6 yesterday....was bummed to start off the New Year being sick and not running.  Glad that my visitor was also a runner....made it easier to get going again.  

                qotd yesterday:  Moving makes you not too much if anything.  

                qotd: Besides here a couple of groups on FB ...mostly to try to locate sone lije minded people to run with.  

                duffman:  sorry to hear you need to go on dialysis  praying you get a kidney soon.  

                 05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                 08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                  Squeezed in 4 at the lake late morning today since my afternoon is conference call heavy. A bit of a slog but we ran the schoolhouse loop and a section of that is very rocky plus the meadow was a mix of half frozen rutted mud. That's my excuse anyway for the slog. Noticed some ducks out on the lake which is not unusual but several were white mallards which is a bit different. I believe I've seen them before but at a distance so wasn't sure. I was closer to them today.

                  Last night, I had a pretty nifty 6 mile out/back on the hills of Coventry Woods. Good run, though I left about a minute out there on the return somehow. That run should always be 2-3 minute negative split and it was more like 1. Still, best run of the year.


                  QOTD: Not much social media here. I started in runners world forum back in 2003, marathon group mostly. Back when the first forum spam hit someone named mutiger created a forum called runango and lot of people went over there. That forum literally died. Mutiger was the admin and had the url registered running in some data center and he passed unexpectedly and that forum went kaput as the domain was lost. A new version of that started a few years ago but is lightly visited. I still know a lot of those marathon folks from FE's, etc. I came over here I think from runners world trails during the second RW spam attack. I do not post anywhere else other than family group IM chat where we all share some pics and comments which is fun.

                  In dog beers, I've only had one.


                    A lazy day today, just did 4 miles in the afternoon.  It was 75deg, so it was sluggish.


                    qotd: This is the only group I'm in, I do look at RA Ultra every once in a while.  I'm one of those who came over from RWOL, never banned though. I don't remember the spam over there, but remember the mass exodus due to some being banned.  It didn't help that there was a moderator there who was a bit off which wasn't helped by a few folks (one in particular) who seemed to like pushing the moderator's buttons.


                    On FB I am still in a trail running group in Korea which was good to get some news and updates on runs while I was living there, but now it's really inactive, only about 3 or 4 posts a year.  Like me, I guess all of the folks moved back to their home countries.
