Trailer Trash


Weekend Weatherman (Read 14 times)


    Crystal clear and crisp 30*F this morning. I ran a 2.5 mile loop this morning in the dark. I'll probably cover another 4 or 5 today tromping around in the woods on a squirrel hunt. The run was easy and fast. B2B long runs early tomorrow morning and on Monday. I think things worked out good for recovery from last week's B2B long runs. I think this is my last set of B2B's and two more long solo's.


    QOTD: Weekend plans?


    Squirrel hunting this morning with my dad and one of my brothers. After that, I guess I'll just relax until about 3AM on Sunday.


    Queen of Nothing


      No run...going skiing.  All man made ....middle of January and I may finish racking leaves tomorrow.  

      qotd:  skiing today, long run (8) tomorrow and then just yard chores.

       05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

       08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






        About 30 min of core, balance work, and hip mobility work yesterday out in my little shed.  Today is turning out to be nasty, so I'm pushing my 10 miles to tomorrow when it's supposed to be "light rain" or "showers".  That sounds better than 100% chance of rain with strong winds.  No thank you.


        We've had so much rain, we can't divert enough so it's pooling under the house.  The Hub went to plug in the sump pump and *fzzt* - it was done.  So long, Sump Pump.  You more than paid for yourself.  Anyway, so it was a pump purchase and he's been pumping since yesterday.  We have to run an extension cord from inside the shed to where the pump is - and I didn't get the door shut all the way last night.   Thankfully, it's indoor/outdoor carpet over cement, but even with fans, it's gonna take awhile for it to dry out. 


        QOTD: I have a little bit of typing to do today, then I need to work on tax stuff.  Tomorrow will run, then more tax stuff.  And I need to buy a cover for the trailer.  Two small leaks have appeared with all this rain.  *sigh* 

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance



          Great morning to be running around here today , started at 37° and about 49° when I finished, pretty low humidity for these parts too.  Felt nice, did 20 miles, it’s the first time I did a 20 miler since the end of October.


          Tomorrow’s the Houston marathon and they sorta just missed the weather, tomorrow it’ll be about 10 to15° warmer and the humidity is going to back in the upper 80%, not too bad but not as nice as today.


          Saw 8 deer on my run this morning, I think they likes the cooler temps as much as I did.


          qotd: nothing planned, but I might go out and get tubes and tires for a road bike I’m fixing up for my DD. It’s a nice bike, a “vintage” Cannondale.


            Easy 7.5 miles today.  Timed it well to avoid getting dumped on by rain.  Was pouring buckets earlier, and more is on the way.  It's a mess out there... downed trees, mud slides, ocean surge, erosion, water running down the roads and hillsides.  Oh, and a sinkhole opened up under one of the major roads into this area so that's closed indefinitely, and the other road has been closed on and off because of trees down, mud slides, flooding, and/or car accidents.  Very glad that my job is full time telework because commuting is going to be ugly.


            QOTD: Canceled my weekend plans and will hunker down, maybe head down the road to our favorite dive bar to watch the NFL playoffs.

            6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


            running under the BigSky

              6 miles yesterday with DW and Tiny Elvis- gorgeous evening, first time we've been into the 40's in three months!


              Will get a few mies in today and should have time to hit the gym and strength train


              qotd: will root for the Bills today, I'm also head chef trying a new elk stew recipe- the pressure is on 



              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                Got up and did 12 miles this morning, a nice run after yesterday's long run.


                I normally count weeks a Sun thru Sat, but I see on my Garmin today that if I count Mon - Sun this week I have now done 7 days in a row for a total of 74 miles.  Dang what the heck am I doing?  I just may have to look into doing my nemesis springtime run, the Pandora's Box of Rocks 52.4 miler in Burnet, TX on April 29th.


                New women's half marathon American record down in Houston this morning; Emily Sisson - 1:06:52 (she came in 2nd).


                Queen of Nothing


                  Beautiful Warden....we also had sunshine here yes...I was out skiing....the woman I went with didn't feel well when we arrived.  She did 7 runs and waited for us in the lodge.  After she dropped me off she stopped at ER and sure enough she had had a heart attack.  

                  Today sitting in car eating time before running...

                   05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                   08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                    This morning's run was a little quicker and easier than I expected, and I finished 20 miles in 3:33 feeling like I had run and easy 5 miles. I guess I could have run 27 more minutes, but it was really a 4 hours or 20 miles, whichever comes first plan. Temperature was 30 degrees when I started, so faster feels easier to me when it is cold. We'll see how tomorrow goes.



                    running under the BigSky

                        After she dropped me off she stopped at ER and sure enough she had had a heart attack.  



                      Holy hell Queen!  Hope she's going to be okay- spooky.


                      5 miles with Tiny Elvis this morning, strength trained this afternoon.  Watched a nail biter with the Bills, but they survived- Go Bills!!


                      2024 goal 2024 miles

                      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                      2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                        the woman I went with didn't feel well when we arrived.  She did 7 runs and waited for us in the lodge.  After she dropped me off she stopped at ER and sure enough she had had a heart attack.  


                        Holy crap!   Hope she's okay.


                        10 miles at Headwaters.  It ended up raining more than I thought it was going to and it didn't take long for me to get soaked.  And the higher I climbed, the colder I got.  I power hiked 99% of the 2 mile climb, and there was so much debris on the trail, it was a PITA.  My feet kept getting caught in little branches, etc., and I'd end up whipping the around into my bare calves and shins.  I had fun running the 2 miles down - except for the leg-whipping.  I was very happy to get home and into a hot shower.

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                        Queen of Nothing


                          I ran 6 today...thought about 10 but just don't want to push myself.  

                          Friend text that she is ok and should be out of hospital Tuesday...still do not know all details.  

                           05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                           08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                            Friend text that she is ok and should be out of hospital Tuesday...still do not know all details.  

                            Unreal. Glad your friend is ok.
