Circle North

Log comments for Cuch (Read 27 times)

    I'll go with 0 250.


    I'm sorry, this is a best-ball format, and I've already won. Thanks for playing, though.

    A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

      i saw this and i did you'd both be an equal amount wrong...because i love you both an equal amount.  to u both and remember.....


      forever...for always...and no matter what. sleep well boys.

      In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.









      L Train

        Distance: 350 miles
        Duration: 20:29:48


        Just wanted to post this in case people miss it.


        20 1/2 hours on a stationary bike inside.  Ending in the middle of the night.  350 miles.  And she'll say it's because she went easy but it was over 17 mph.


        350 miles gets you past NYC.


        It's no impact but to me just about as impressive as you 100 mile race people.  On a random Weds/Thurs.



          Holy Crap! Ah, never mind the ultra champ book signing guy I told you about out here. You will/are writing your own book. This is incredibly ridiculous!As I struggle through a wimpy little 13.1 I often think " How the heck does she do it"? Rock On Girl!!

            Awesome work Cuch.  You are definitely on the path for something special this year which is saying a lot.


            Thx to L for the pix.  It livened up my day.

              thank you...i don't really know what to say without sounding certifyibly stupid. so thank you as my need to...nope that's stupid too.

              In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                you are certifiable...

                What was I chasing again?

                  Sick. Gross. Outstanding. Cuch.

                    Those roses were lovely.  Nice job yesterday with your 13+ but you didn't mention the 70 miles on the bike before the run.  Good lord.

                      if i have time to sit in a recliner...i have time to sit on the sinner.


                      -spinner dammit.


                      and i did too.

                      In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.











                        yeah, seriously impressive. having a hard enough time with one event much less two others.

                          c'mon fro. i can't do what anyone in here does on a daily basis. i say the same onto you all.


                          the way i see it, i may as well be back @ poland spring running around bottling water 12 hours a day...cause i don't do anything else. there's nothing impressive here and anyone could do it.


                          but i and not everyone can be a pace chaser. that torch is held by all of you guys.

                          In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                            And here I was hoping this thread would degenerate to sitting on sinners, now I'm depressed instead of horny.  Go ahead censor, have at it.

                            What was I chasing again?

                              Over a 1000 miles on a pair of shoes... my joints start to scream at 400 and I need to ditch them by 500.

                              What was I chasing again?


                                What did you guys do to Cuch in my absence ? I guess I'll have to mend fences and kick some ass when I return