Circle North

CN: At the Races (Read 1002 times)


    Great photos thanks for posting them TD

      congrat's all!!! 


      i don't even know what to say about egad. i guess most impressive turnaround?

      In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.









      L Train

        dude went from stay-puf to Rupp in 45 days.



          Guess you would have to get one last dig in huh L...



          dude went from stay-puf to Rupp in 45 days.



            Thanks Cuch, I appreciate the compliment but I haven't accomplished anything yet.  The marathon was, and still is my focus and will feature all out effort to make the goal.


            congrat's all!!! 


            i don't even know what to say about egad. i guess most impressive turnaround?

            L Train

              Guess you would have to get one last dig in huh L... 



              I figure if it's working I may as well keep it up.


              Seriously, I think you know it's just complete jealousy.


                Lol, yeah I guess it is working. Although now I'm running out of motivation. Looking at your PRs it appears that you were 172 or less in all of them. Maybe there's a theme here. Morning strength begins at 5 and 6 am tomorrow morning.

                L Train

                  Lol, yeah I guess it is working. Although now I'm running out of motivation. Looking at your PRs it appears that you were 172 or less in all of them. Maybe there's a theme here. Morning strength begins at 5 and 6 am tomorrow morning.


                  Wait, you are using what I use on you against me?  What the heck?


                  And yeah, that's definitely part of the theme.  If I had your discipline on all of that stuff I'm sure I'd see some better results.


                  I'm not going to strength class.  I still have some dignity.  I can't let people see that I can't bear my own body weight on one leg without falling down, even sober, much less wrap my body up like a pretzel while resting one foot on an exercise ball, the other elbow on the floor and a 20 pound weight on my back with the other leg in the air while lifting another arm behind me and doing 40 reps. All while smiling and singing some Pat Benatar song.


                  I do, however, have stuff I'm supposed to be doing at home.  You know, like kegels or something.


                    Egad, Leave L-Train alone, he can watch TV, eat a donut and use his thigh-master at the same time.

                    What was I chasing again?


                      Returning from a bit of a sabbatical, EGADs! I predicted this two years ago, right, Eric?

                      Now the other part of that prediction requires my participation, so let's see it happen at Hampton!

                      I've got a little less than three weeks to try and make it competitive.  That's all I can hope for.

                      If not then, perhaps at Maine Coast.  Then Boston next year.  Can't wait!

                      Older, slower, and trying to keep up with Tall Dave.


                        QUALIFYING TIMES


                        Age GroupMenWomen
                        18-34 3hrs 05min 00sec 3hrs 35min 00sec
                        35-39 3hrs 10min 00sec 3hrs 40min 00sec
                        40-44 3hrs 15min 00sec 3hrs 45min 00sec
                        45-49 3hrs 25min 00sec 3hrs 55min 00sec
                        50-54 3hrs 30min 00sec 4hrs 00min 00sec
                        55-59 3hrs 40min 00sec 4hrs 10min 00sec
                        60-64 3hrs 55min 00sec 4hrs 25min 00sec


                        So, Eric, this means we will both try to go sub-3:10 at Maine Coast.  This is absolutely do-able, if we're healthy.

                        Older, slower, and trying to keep up with Tall Dave.

                          Thanks for the motivation but that is an enormous feat for someone of my experience level.  There is a large gap between running fast for 10 miles and doing it in the marathon.  I will train and race smart and see what comes of it.

                          My salty dogs

                            Thanks for the motivation but that is an enormous feat for someone of my experience level.  There is a large gap between running fast for 10 miles and doing it in the marathon.  I will train and race smart and see what comes of it.


                            I recommend just getting older. Turning 50 has it's advantages.

                              Just saw something on a FB page that said ES20 is close to sold out for the first time ever. I have no idea if this is true, but you should all click right over and sign up right now just in case.

                              A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

                              L Train

                                In (and thanks).