Circle North

TY 10 Goals (Read 855 times)

L Train

    OK.  Let's just end this here.  rcuch goes out like a bat out of hell, which is a surprise to absolutely no one.  The Kenyans will be looking at each other and looking at her and shrugging their shoulders a bit.  She'll be right behind the pace dude on the motorcycle for the first 1/2 mile.  Meanwhile, Greg C will get sorta sucked into that whole thing and go out a little faster than he would like, which will surprise absolutely no one.  rcuch will hold her pace longer than we all thought possible, coming through 20 miles at about 2:22.  Greg C will find his groove and start just running steady 7:25s, coming through 20 at 2:28:00.  L Train will run the first 20 miles with variation of only 7 seconds/mile, all miles being between 7:25 and 7:32 and coming through at 2:29 and change. 


    rcuch will then die, slogging her last 6 at an average of 9:30.  That gives her a 3:21, and the good news is that's easily a BQ time.  Greg C, meanwhile, will stick with that 7:25 pace, slowing only slightly in the last few miles before picking up the last mile.  He passes rcuch at around mile 24, who puts up nothing but a wimper as he gives her the finger as he blows by.  He finishes at 3:16 and change.  L Train picks up slightly after 20, and then again at 23, running the last 5K in sub 22.  L Train passes Robin shortly after Greg (was thet her crying?) and then, because Greg is wearing his silly headphones, L Train passes Greg just before they enter the stadium and they have a free for all on the warning track. 


    After Greg_C and L Train finish, they are sorta pissed because they have to stand around waiting for rcuch to finally finish.  I mean, it's cold and there's beer to get to. 


    Later that afternoon, rcuch injures herself in a freak accident after she fell while dancing on a table in a drunken stupor.  Because of the broken leg she is unable to run Boston.  Boo. 


    The end.     




    L Train

      Funny, looking back at my goals for the year, it looks like one big FAIL.  My only time goal met was Derry in January.  It will only take one success to make up for it all, though.


        2010 goals:


             Race                    Goal time            Actual time


        Derry 16 miler:           <2:08                  SUCCESS - 2:01:32

        Midwinter 10 mile:     <1:14                  FAIL - DNF

        Hampton 1/2:             <1:36                  FAIL - DNS

        ES 20:                          <2:30                  2:32:54 (fail, but wind-hindered)

        Lehigh Valley 1/2:      <1:33                  FAIL (1:34:12)

        Sugarloaf                    <3:30                  ---

        Bob's 5K                     <20:00                FAIL (20:10)

        Yankee Homecoming: <1:12              FAIL (1:12:10)

        Fall 1/2 marathon      <1:31

        Baystate:                     BQ (3:20:59)


         jesus, this is depressing. cape ann aint on here. was there a goal in mind for that? oh that forecast of baystate was good. good for a laugh that is. very funny slick. cept the broken leg part.....that would really suck.

        In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.









          Baystate   5mi. 36    10 mi. 71   15 mi 1:46   20 mi. 2:21    25 mi  2:57   

           1.2  9:00 = 3:06 for  a  "A"  race  ,  no fear      JW

          L Train

            Baystate   5mi. 36    10 mi. 71   15 mi 1:46   20 mi. 2:21    25 mi  2:57   

             1.2  9:00 = 3:06 for  a  "A"  race  ,  no fear      JW


            Nice!  And some nice mileage you got goin on there the last few weeks in particular.


              The Mileage is As much as my body will allow , hope it is enough to keep up with you guys


                Just commited to BAY STATE 1/2 Marathon,.Summer Fun is over, time to get serious.Smile

                L Train


                  Ok, perhaps I should change my name to "Competitor". 



                  At least temporarily, I have your HM PR.  Wink


                  My salty dogs

                    Lance - how about you find something other than "fail" for missing several goals by 10 seconds. Success is not always pass or fail otherwise life would be looked at as way to much of a failure. I give you an A+ for effort and an over all 97% on reaching targeted goals. True if you look at a BQ as a pass or fail I can understand but even Einstein learned more from his failure than successes. Bannister only broke 4 minutes a handful of times. Take all you have learned into Bay State and I'll see you in Boston!
                    L Train

                      You're right on this of course - I just didn't know how else to categorize it.  The whole "fail" thing isn't really how I feel.  It's interesting how I'm just missing on some of these, though. 


                      And how's Texas, anyway in case you missed thaat in the other thread?





                        At least temporarily, I have your HM PR.  Wink


                        Just noticing this tease, Lance.  Yes, you have my HM PR, and if you keep it up, you'll have more than that.  Hope I can get back to running to compete with you and Greg C.  (And I guess I should mention Paul Toth, also.) 


                        As for Robin, who knows where she'll land.  Can't wait for your results (and splits) at Bay State.


                        Greg M.

                        Older, slower, and trying to keep up with Tall Dave.

                        My salty dogs

                          2010 goals:


                          Baystate:                     BQ (3:20:59)     SUCCESS (3:20.22) On the only one that mattered.


                            2010 goals:


                                 Race                    Goal time            Actual time


                            Derry 16 miler:           <2:08                  SUCCESS - 2:01:32

                            Midwinter 10 mile:     <1:14                  FAIL - DNF

                            Hampton 1/2:             <1:36                  FAIL - DNS

                            ES 20:                          <2:30                  2:32:54 (fail, but wind-hindered)

                            Lehigh Valley 1/2:      <1:33                  FAIL (1:34:12)

                            Sugarloaf                    <3:30                  ---

                            Bob's 5K                     <20:00                FAIL (20:10)

                            Yankee Homecoming: <1:12              FAIL (1:12:10)

                            Fall 1/2 marathon      <1:31                  FAIL (1:31:07).  Sigh.

                            Baystate:                     BQ (3:20:59)     SUCCESS (3:20.22) On the only one that mattered.


                             Nice bookends.

                            A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.



                              Goals for 2010:


                              Run a spring marathon and a fall marathon. PR in both, working toward BQ.

                              Did that. 3:25, 3:14, BQ


                              Crush my current PR in the half, which I know I can easily do. Then do at least one more and beat the first one.

                              Did the first part, squeaked by on the second.


                              Run more races overall. It seemed to me like I raced a lot in '09, but really it was only 10 or so. I will try to double that.

                              Fail. 13, I think.



                              Continue lowering my 5k PR, currently 22:09. I believe sub 21:00 is definitely realistic, and my goal will be to close in on sub 20:00.



                              I'm drawn to the idea of running more miles than the year, so I will run more than 2,010 miles in 2010. It's roughly the mileage I had in mind anyway, and it just has a cool ring to it.

                              Passed goal on October 3'rd. On track for 2,600 mile year.


                              Listen to my body and stay healthy and hopefully injury-free. This one should probably be at the top of the list.

                              Mostly successful.


                              Do at least one sprint triathlon as a team with Kim, just for FUN.

                              Didn't do this. Might next year.


                              That's it for now. It's sometimes easy to lose perspective on these things. I just read over this list and was reminded that my running goals at the start of 2009 could've been summed up in 3 words... "run a marathon", and as the year started it seemed like a verrrrry distant and possibly insane goal. It's cool that I can set more ambitious goals for 2010 and know that I can achieve them.


                              And now for 2011...

                              A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

                              "Beep, Beep!"

                                I am calling this year pretty much over... Recap of races below makes me feel it was a pretty good year with improvements in all race categories. Vermont marathon took up good part of the training year and afterwards I was sort of in limbo without a specific goal.. Was able to reach most of the goals I set... I kept them realistic... Ready for the next year to see if we can tweak them even more.



                                  Course Distance Duration Pace Grp Pl  
                                10/31/2010 White Mountain Half Marathon 13.1 Mi 1:39:44 7:37 5 PR
                                9/12/2010 Komen Race for Cure 5K 3.1 Mi 20:19 6:34 2 PR
                                8/7/2010 BEACH 2 BEACON 10K 10.0 km 43:21:00 6:59 12 PR
                                7/27/2010 Yankee Homecoming 10 Miler 10.1 Mi 1:16:02 7:34 9  
                                7/18/2010 Lincoln PVH 5K 3.1 Mi 21:12 6:51 1  
                                7/10/2010 Run for the Gym 5.0 km 20:30 6:36 1  
                                6/26/2010 RACE - Strawberry 5 Miler 5.0 Mi 35:21:00 7:01 3 PR
                                5/30/2010 Vermont City Marathon 26.2 Mi 3:29:35 8:00 9 PR
                                4/11/2010 Great Bay Half Marathon 13.1 Mi 1:42:29 7:50 2  
                                2/7/2010 Mid-Winter Classic 10 Miler 10.0 Mi 1:15:05 7:31 6 PR

                                Life's journey is not to arrive safely to the grave in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming ... WOW! What a ride!