Circle North

TY 10 Goals (Read 855 times)

L Train

    89 miles.


    Now back up to 99 miles.  My math must have  been wrong (surprise!).  No way 100 miles gets made up before the end of the year unless you fall down and can't get up.  In which case you may need the clapper. 


      well, i won't withhold anything....i'll keep myself updated. hey slick, lets play another game.....average pace for the year. you should be able to get that.


      you need a calculatah.......and a dumb bell......bubba dow! 


      mta - shit neck and neck at 8:30.....more *insane laughter*

      hey fuck! go after cremah he's at 8:25.............someone please tell me how the fuck that happened? all i see are 8:40's on a treadmill!


      nope...cremah's out. he does not meet the qualifying standard on mileage run for the year - booo! and no one else here does either.


      get crackin!


      In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










        hey fuck! go after cremah he's at 8:25.............someone please tell me how the fuck that happened? all i see are 8:40's on a treadmill!



        It's all those insanely fast race times of mine that drive the average down. Wink

        A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

          that wasn't worth waitin for. aaant!

          In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.









          L Train

            that wasn't worth waitin for. aaant!




              did you need a calculator for that?

              In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                hey i was gonna tell ya, you CHOSE to wait.

                A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

                L Train

                  did you need a calculator for that?




                    hey i was gonna tell ya, you CHOSE to wait.

                     and you PUMPED it up.....slick agrees. 2 to 1.

                    In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                      did you need a calculator for that?

                       and slick....this question was for u......1 - 1 = 0

                      In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                      "Beep, Beep!"

                         So I ran half the mileage of y'all, and my average pace was 8:07... Maybe running less is better? (I'll keep quiet now!)





                        1,364.1 Mi         184:25:08               8:07 / Mi

                        well, i won't withhold anything....i'll keep myself updated. hey slick, lets play another game.....average pace for the year. you should be able to get that.


                        you need a calculatah.......and a dumb bell......bubba dow! 


                        mta - shit neck and neck at 8:30.....more *insane laughter*

                        hey fuck! go after cremah he's at 8:25.............someone please tell me how the fuck that happened? all i see are 8:40's on a treadmill!


                        nope...cremah's out. he does not meet the qualifying standard on mileage run for the year - booo! and no one else here does either.


                        get crackin!


                        Life's journey is not to arrive safely to the grave in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming ... WOW! What a ride!

                        My salty dogs

                           So I ran half the mileage of y'all, and my average pace was 8:07... Maybe running less is better? (I'll keep quiet now!)





                          1,364.1 Mi         184:25:08               8:07 / Mi


                             So I ran half the mileage of y'all, and my average pace was 8:07... Maybe running less is better? (I'll keep quiet now!)





                            1,364.1 Mi         184:25:08               8:07 / Mi

                             yup i saw this....and this is the mileage i ran for the past 19 years and it got me no where special and honestly i was in constant pain there too, only in the knees.  but i am cutting 1000 miles out for 2011. hell maybe more.  i need to learn how to swim and ride a bike now and hopefully i can get the same thrill out of those activities. who knows....maybe it will even give me what i need to crush my current pr's. time will tell i guess.


                            ya know what dave? you really did have a kick ass year! here's to 2011!

                            In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                            "Beep, Beep!"

                              It wasn't so much the mileage, as it was the three specific planned runs per week - tempo, interval and long... mixed with x-training and most importantly for this old body rest/recovery days. That with what I learned from Salty re Chi running and I was able to stay pretty healthy. I need to swim alot more and biking is always a wonderful x-train.

                              Life's journey is not to arrive safely to the grave in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming ... WOW! What a ride!

                              Home Away From Home

                                I am with Dave, here is mine to date: 

                                2010     1,629.9 Mi     224:23:27      8:16 /Mi


                                So I have run far less then the 3 of you and still get a faster pace. No whether that has helped me or hurt me I don't know.  The 3 of you have seemed to smoke me this year in your PR's but then again you don't 6 months on a TM so who know's where I would be if I were here year around. Just figured I would join the rant and rave and toss in my numbers.


                                Next years goals I think may be 2500 and see how I do with a little extra mileage. I should be right at 2000 for the year so an extra 500 shouldn't kill me. 


                                "Anyone can do it in ideal conditions"- A quote from a true NE CN runner and friend.