Circle North

Herding Cats in the Winter (Read 32 times)

L Train


    Then again, I did not want to be ruined.


    Ha.  I deserve that.


    WTF?  No one is home yet?  Must be the growlers.


      Delicious, Pam and Doug hosted a great event.

        Scenic course Doug, thanks to you and Pam as gracious hosts.  Russ and June are a hoot!

        What was I chasing again?

          Russ and June are a hoot!

          definately...met them when i checked in before i left. thanks beaulah's!!!

          In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.









            D&P, thank you for the lovely accommodations and entertainment; perhaps you could enlist June & Russ as your proxy representatives going forward.


            Delicious, Pam and Doug hosted a great event.

            L Train

              June & Russ  


              I feel so lost.  Is this the name of a shot or something?



                I feel so lost.  Is this the name of a shot or something?

                Ha, no that would be Mom (82) and Dad (87). Who seem to like to talk more as they get older and were especially interested in learning more about running yesterday. They had a good time though and even called us again last night to tell us what a great group you all were.

                L Train

                  That's awesome.



                    Thanks Doug, I have to say that Pam is a sweetheart and it was really nice to meet her. It was a great day!

                    L Train

                      Next installment of Herding Cats, I know you've been anxiously waiting and many of you may not even be here with races or whatnot.  9:00 at my house. I'll set up a 15ish mile run since all of you seemed to do your 20 last week.  Personally I hope to run 20, so you all can come in and eat and everything and be gone before I get back.  Win-win.


                      I don't know what the food is or anything.  I've told Mrs. Train to go low key.  I'll post a route later.  I do not plan for my parents to be here. Don't be hungover.


                      Please let me know if you are coming and extend this to anyone else.  I think it's getting on facebook also.




                          in. even if I run/walk/ hobble alone.


                            If it is sunny and 80 I will be there


                              I'll be there


                                I'm in and I'll bring extra tupper ware for all the left overs.