The beautiful persons club


BPQ Points (Read 592 times)


One day at a time

    Yes, surely beautiful people aren't expected be good at math too. Numbers are hard. Confused
    You're right - I guess we should give negative points to people who like math!

    One day at a time

      5 points - wearing makeup during a 5k Blush I have to admit this applies to me. I just hate feeling washed out! Probably due to growing up among so many debutantes in Texas. I ran in a 5k in the fall that was sponsored by Mrs. Maine. She stood at the finish line to greet each of us as we finished. When she saw me, she said, "Just so you know, your makeup still looks good! I appreciate a good makeup job!" Clowning around


        "Just so you know, your makeup still looks good! I appreciate a good makeup job!" Clowning around
        That is so awesome! Big grin

        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

             ~ Sarah Kay


        One day at a time

          That is so awesome! Big grin
          Thanks - I just tell that story to my close friends, lol!
            5 points - wearing makeup during a 5k
            Personally, I think that should be more like 15 points. If you're getting compliments on your makeup from Mrs. Maine at the end of a 5K, then you're a complete bombshell in my book. Kudos to you. Smile



            One day at a time

              Personally, I think that should be more like 15 points. If you're getting compliments on your makeup from Mrs. Maine at the end of a 5K, then you're a complete bombshell in my book. Kudos to you. Smile
              Oh my, thank you! Of course, it also indicates that I wasn't exactly running all-out! I haven't quite got the "race pace" thing figured out yet.

              I've got a fever...

                Personally, I think that should be more like 15 points.
                Maybe it should be a sliding scale based on race distance. I know, -5 on me for being good at math.

                On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                  Maybe it should be a sliding scale based on race distance. I know, -5 on me for being good at math.
                  God, that sounds so complicated. Jeff, if you run a race of 5K or more in full makeup, you get 3,934 bonus points. An extra 498 if Mrs. Maine compliments you at the end. Modified To Add: That would give you a total of 5,340 extra points. But you already knew that because you're good at math.


                  Beatin' on the Rock

                    How many points if you're a guy and your makeup still looks good after a 5K? What if these guys all made comments on it? Photobucket How many points then?
                    Be yourself. Those that matter, don't mind. Those that mind, don't matter.


                      How many points if you're a guy and your makeup still looks good after a 5K? What if these guys all made comments on it? Photobucket How many points then?
                      Ooh...metrosexual points.

                      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                           ~ Sarah Kay

                      The Greatest of All Time

                        I would get tons of metrosexual points...oh man, don't get me started. Manicures, wife thinks I am her Ken Doll sometimes. But hey, what am I doing to say "No, honey I don't want the attention. You may not groom me!" And today, I am wearing a pink dress shirt and tie. There is nothing wrong with dressing well. If I am going to put on a suit, it's going to look good to me.... There is nothing worse than a man in a cheap suit!
                        all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                        Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.


                          Hubba hubba! Evil grin

                          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                               ~ Sarah Kay

                          The Greatest of All Time

                            all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                            Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.

                            I've got a fever...

                              Nice suit, but I would have gone with Le Tigre instead of Blue Steel.

                              On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.



                                Nice suit, but I would have gone with Le Tigre instead of Blue Steel.
                                Ooh, good call!

                                Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                                remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                     ~ Sarah Kay
