Bike: Trail ride Previous Next


10:30 AM

5 mi


7.13 mi / hr


147 bpm
173 bpm


32 F
  • Map

Poston Park


Went to the WWC but they had the trail closed. I did rain a couple of days ago but I thought it would have dried by now. The freeze, thaw keeps the trail muddy longer. So I went to Poston to see how it was since I was all kitted up for riding in the freezing temperatures. First part was still frozen and would crackle under the tires. By the power line climb the clay mud had turned to peanut butter and was sticking to the tires. I was more tired than usual by the finish of the Crammer Mtn loop and took the short cuts back.

max- 20.0

zone- 11:10 after the power line climb I was whipped.

cal- 559
