Run: Easy Previous Next


4:15 PM

4.2 mi


9:12 mi


48 F
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COMMENTS: These shoes are great. It feels so good running in them. I'm also trying a different insert so that might have a little to do with it. Felt really good running today. Tried to keep a 9:30 pace which is very comfortable and should allow me to run a few days in a row. I've decided to use the GPS mileage. I checked it with some of the markers on the Greenway and it agreed with them. It's just easier to let the auto lap feature keep track of the mile splits. The inside of my thighs are a little raw. Hope that goes away soon. Wore my shorts and a t-shirt today. Started out a little cold but warmed after 2 miles. I feel better running cold anyway.

I'm going to start using 4 miles on the Greenway.

Just realized I was within 2 seconds of yesterdays run

3.96 miles

9:29 9:41 9:34 9:21

cal- 504
