Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


6:00 PM

29.8 mi


19.88 mi / hr


150 lb


82 F


COMMENTS: Strange ride tonight. Getting dark earlier means we take a different route every week. Tonight a group of four broke away and one of those dropped out. I considered catching him to see if he wanted to try to catch the rest but decided to stay in me group of three. Then one of my group decided not to try to keep our pace an went a different route. So the two of us went all over Clover. I was just following. I had no idea where we were until we got to the zebras on Bud Wilson Rd going toward Villa Roma. We kept a good pace. St Paul Church Rd has to be the bumpiest road I have ever been on. Its made with the big rocks in the asphalt and shook me to pieces.

The Maxxis tire miles are accurate to today.

avg- 19.9

max- 39.0
