Run: Easy,>8:30 Previous Next


9:45 AM

5.3 mi


7:41 mi


78 F


Had a little party last night and drank 4 beers. Felt like crap even after 9 hours of sleep. John came over to run and we did the Oakland Gavel 5+ miler.78 degrees with strong wind out of south. Felt good running into it, but way too hot with it at our back. Felt good to sweat out the beer and get the daily run behind me.

Didn't weigh myself this morning, but I ate everything in sight last night including about 2 dozen cookies. Not good.

25 years ago today:

"Ran with Max. Course-Sacajawea course, left. 7:45 pace. Cramp whole way-drank too much water before I ran. Time 8:30 am, Temp 65. 4 miles."
