Run: Old setting Previous Next


8:00 PM

6.1 mi


7:36 mi


154 lb


84 F


3 / 10
4 / 10


This run felt great and I didn't look at the time once. I wanted to go into the weekend with at least 30 miles, so I decided to run 6. I ran the oakland loop plus a new loop. I went North on Derby Ridge from Smiley and did a loop around Auburn Hills. It was exactly a 1 mile loop. Nice add on to this run. I had some soreness in my R calf and L hamstring before this run but using "the stick" really helped loosen up the muscles prior to the run. I also used it after the run, combined with stretching. I really feel good about this week. I've gotten in a solid interval workout and a tempo run, and tommorow the 5000 on the track will be more speedwork. I plan to pace myself at 5:54 for a 18:14. I believe I can run that and then be within 38 seconds of goal!
