Run: 7:00 to 7:14 Previous Next


5:30 PM

5.5 mi


7:06 mi


6 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map



1 mile w/u

2.5 mile w/d (2 with Maggie on Katy trail)

2 X 300 meters, 2 X 400 (77, 72)

2 X 400

1 X 200

1600 meters in 5:27 (or a 5:30 mile). I like it! I had no idea what to expect and I felt really good on this mile. Plenty of endurance, just lacking in speed. I really think I can go under 5 this summer. That's a new goal! I ran the 1st 1/2 in 2:48 then 2nd in 2:39. At a lap and a half I got boxed in by two guys and they were starting to slow down. I had to hit the brakes and pull out into the 3rd lane to get around. Then one of the guys didn't want to let me around. I stayed in the 2nd lane until just before the 1/2 when I surged and took the inside lane. I ran negative splits, but the other two guys did not. I enjoyed this a lot and wonder how fast I would have run on my own.

Ted ran a 5:05 and Bill Stolz ran a 5:13.
