Run: Hill Previous Next


5:30 PM

8 mi


7:03 mi


60 F


8 / 10
8 / 10


Drove 2.5 hours back from Adrian and decided I needed to run right then or I'd put it off till bedtime. Felt terrible from drive and 6 beers I drank last night at Melanie's class reunion. Melanie was going to run with me, but felt worse than I did and took a nap. I was jealous until I started running. Today is 20 days post Boston and the first day I've had a good run since then. Immediately after Boston I took it easy to sooth my sore legs, then I came down with a nasty cold. I am still coughing up stuff, but I'm almost over it. I thought I'd run a simular time to yesterdays run, but body felt like going faster. I just listened to my body and flew through the 8 miles.

737 (toughest mile), 722 (second toughest mile), 720, 701, 639 (big bear hill), 656, 653, 628. Great run. Tonight, according to my Garmin I burned 963 calories 8miles/56 minutes. It says that yesterday i burned 975 calories over the same course, in 63 minutes. 7:03 pace vs. 751 pace. Interesting!
