Run: Race Previous Next


8:00 AM

3.1 mi


6:10 mi


39 F


9 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

15 / 520 (2.9%)
  • Map


Didn't know what to expect this morning, but I was ready to find out where I'm at re: a 5K. The weather was bad, but I don't think it was too much of a factor. I do believe that the course was a bit longer than last year. That makes sense because it's now certified. I know I didn't run the best tangents and even if you ran it perfect, there is an additional distance added per mile as part of the certification process. Meaning that if a course is certified, it is longer than the stated distance.

Race strategy was simple. Start conservative (mile one), maintain pace and rhythm through second mile and 1/2, then push for a 1/2 and kick for a tenth. I was slow at the mile in 6:22, but felt like I was where I needed to be. Didn't get my second mile split, but I'd guess it was about 6:10, I started picking it up a bit more over the last mile and I'd guess it at 6:00, then a last tenth in 33 or so. I had a good kick and caught a 23y/o man and 23y/o women with about 300 yards to go. I pulled away, then maintained through the finish line. Noone else in site to catch.I ran 43 seconds slower than last year, but I have a lot more endurance. I'll need to take off 1:30 to reach my 5K goal later this year. Although it will take a lot of work, i believe I can do it.
