Bike: Easy Previous Next


12:32 PM

30.6 mi


18.6 mi / hr


67 F


Great solo Sunday ride on this punishing loop. Was planning on hammering the climbs with no other real idea for the ride. I really hit the first one hard and was crushing the section into and back out of Townshend. Hit the hour at 16.98 miles, but would have been over 17 if I hadn't started the climb right there. I can't remember my split at 13.5 miles, but I think it was 45 high. Tried to hammer the last climb but couldn't make the speed I did when I rode that 1:40. I was riding at 9-9.5 mph for the steep part. I was over 10 the time before. But I got my HR high and got in a VO2 max portion. I did blow by one hapless rider. Hit the top of the climb at 1:05:19, my fastest by over two minutes. I needed 35:00 to break my record, so I pretty much got down to business and rode hard from there in, keeping something in reserve in case I blew up. I got to Grafton in 1:19:49 (meaning I covered that segment in 14:30) and had my record in the bag, but grinded because I wanted to break 1:39. I came back from Grafton in 18:51 for 7.09 miles, but at 30.5 (the 7 back from Grafton) I was at 1:38:20, so 18:31. Broke my route record by 1:40, pretty happy with this ride. Gonna ride 1:35 by the end of the summer.
