Run: Easy Previous Next


12 mi


6:50 mi

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<No name>


Ran 12 miles in 1:21:50.70 (6:49.2 min./mi.) Today's plan, 12 miles @ 6:50 min./mi. Temperatures in the low 40's for this run is what I think is perfect running weather as long as there is not much wind, like today. Wanted something in between easy and Tempo effort today, mission accomplished.

Mile Splits: 7:05.36, 6:45.23, 6:40.02, 6:46.00, 6:47.89, 6:44.73, 6:48.92, 6:47.95, 6:52.16, 6:50.60, 6:51.88, 6:49.96
