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16 mi


7:13 mi

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Ran 16 miles in 1:55:17.15 (7:12.3 min./mi.) Today's plan, 16 miles @ 7:20 min./mi. After taking the last seven consecutive days off, decided to start September with something a little longer than my normal Monday run. Felt really strong the first eleven or twelve miles, heat starting taking it's toll after that.

Also, I have decided to not to run The Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Marathon on October 19th; I likely will still run the Marshall University / St. Mary's Hospital Half-Marathon in November; I am also looking for other challenges, namely my first 50k.

Mile Splits: 7:01.23, 7:04.44, 7:08.16, 7:05.55, 7:07.28, 7:08.00, 7:09.85, 7:14.44, 7:12.77, 7:13.65, 7:16.81, 7:20.40, 7:20.00, 7:19.65, 7:16.07. 7:18.85
