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13 mi


6:44 mi

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Ran 13 miles in 1:27:25.93 (6:43.5 min./mi.) Today's plan, 6/6 recovery/interval miles + 1 mi. CD @7:20/5:50's This was a struggle but it had nothing to do with fitness or even running in general; I was stung by a sand bee yesterday in my right quad and I am highly allergic to bee/wasp stings; came within minutes of dying last year before I was able to get medical attention. My quad is very hot to the touch, swollen, and red.

Mile Splits: 7:24.19, 5:55.65, 7:19.26, 5:58.21, 7:22.00, 5:57.45, 7:22.32, 5:51.60, 7:18.02, 5:52.33, 7:19.65, 5:55.05, 7:50.20
