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16 mi


7:13 mi

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<No name>


Ran 16 miles in 1:55:13.52 (7:12.1 min./mi.) Today's plan, 4 Shakeout miles @ 7:30 + 12 miles @ MGP + 30 seconds (7:06 min./mi.) After yesterday's race I wasn't sure what I would have left today, so I scaled back from twenty miles to sixteen; and it was a good thing because I was gassed at the end.

With today's run, for just the second time, in my running career, I have surpassed 3,000 miles in one year. The last time I broke the three-thousand mile mark was December 25, 2008, a year in which I ended with 3,033; after today I stand at 3,005, so my personal record will fall this coming week.

Mile Splits: 7:35.11, 7:33.21, 7:32.45, 7:27:00, 7:09.90, 7:09.16, 7:04.65, 7:07.44, 7:03.00, 7:04.10, 7:04.60, 7:06.23, 7:02.89, 7:07.80, 7:03.88, 7:02.10
