Run: Fartlek Previous Next


16 mi


6:51 mi

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Ran 16 miles in 1:49:31.04 (6:50.7 min./mi.) Today's plan, 16 miles w/8 Fartlek miles included. Waited for the sun to set for this run, still a little warm for the first half, but by the twelve mile mark it was cooling just as I was starting to tire a bit. Considering the heat, and a solo run with no one to push me (or pull me along) I'm pretty happy with this effort.

Mile Splits: 7:44.16, 6:00.40, 7:43.55, 6:02.14, 7:38.86, 5:55.88, 7:29.30, 5:56.97, 7:28.32, 5:58.65, 7:35.44, 6:01.83, 7:38.65, 6:06.44, 5:58.13, 8:12.32
