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12 mi


6:55 mi

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Ran 12 miles in 1:22:49.83 (6:54.2 min./mi.) Today's plan, 12 miles @ 7:06 min./mi. Three weeks ago I took an entire week off for rest. When I came back two weeks ago I ran just 56 miles and last week just 60; down from my normal of ~80. I am sure the cooler temperatures play a significant factor, but the last two plus weeks I have just felt tremendous; tonight's run is a great example. The cool air tonight whipping through my singlet just made me want to run faster and faster.

Mile Splits: 7:03.56, 7:00.98, 6:56.92, 6:54.78, 6:54.62, 6:53.87, 6:59.20, 6:54.00, 6:53.23, 6:50.95, 6:49.72, 6:38.00
