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15.2 mi


6:23 mi

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<No name>


Ran 15.20 miles in 1:36:51.17 (6:22.3 min./mi.) Today's plan, 2 mi. WU @ 7:20 min./mi. + H/M @ 6:20 min./mi. Far from a PR, but that's not the goal anymore, getting to old for that; very happy with the result, left it all out on the race course.

2 mi. WU: 7:39.97, 7:14.65

H/M Mile Splits: 6:24.14, 6:14.44, 6:07.16, 6:05.31, 6:11.16, 6:12.89, 6:12.63, 6:22.14, 6:18.26, 6:17.22, 6:09.21, 6:08.66, 6:01.06, 1:12.27 (0.20)

(H/M:1:21:56.55 - 6:12.5 min./mi)
