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12 mi


6:43 mi

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Ran 12 miles (on 7/30) in 1:20:31.78 (6:42.6 min./mi.) Today's plan, 2 mi. WU @ 7:30 min./mi., 8 Tempo miles @ 6:30 min./mi., 2 mi. CD @ 7:30 min./mi. Had an incredible run this morning along the banks of the Atlantic Ocean from Breezy Point Tip (New York) to Roackaway Park; I always love to run along the ocean. This workout is a repeat of last Wednesday's (7/23) workout, but with much better results; I'll give the credit to the ocean and the beautiful sunrise.

2 mi. WU: 7:33.81, 7:26.18

Tempo Miles: 6:12.95, 6:16.80, 6:21.98, 6:14.11, 6:19.65, 6:25.65, 6:26.16, 6:20.11

2 mi. CD: 7:28.08, 7:29.00
