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16 mi


6:52 mi

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Ran 16 miles in 1:46:47.95 (6:40.5 min./mi.) Today's plan, 6 easy/recovery miles, 5 x 2 mile intervals @ 7:45/6:00 min./mi. After taking it easy all week, decided I wanted something much tougher today. The cooler weather and low humidity really helped make this run possible. Back to something much easier tomorrow, but very happy with this effort.

Mile Splits: 7:40.11, 6:10.55, 6:06.55, 7:41.65, 6:02.78, 6:04.29, 7:39.44, 6:00.77, 6:05.69, 7:44.79, 5:58.14, 6:01.00, 7:40.55, 5:54.67, 5:57.32, 7:59.65
