Run: Tempo Previous Next


12 mi


6:47 mi

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Ran 12 miles in 1:21:14.94 (6:46.2 min./mi) Today's plan, 2 mi. WU @ 7:30 min./mi., 8 (Tempo) miles @ 6:15 min./mi., 2 mi. CD: @ 7:30. Though this was still a pretty good workout, the Tempo miles were well off pace of the goal (6:22.6 min./mi.); lost the battle with the heat and humidity today.

2 mi. WU: 7:37.54, 7:32.87

TMS: 6:16.88, 6:15.34, 6:19.20, 6:22.19, 6:28.75, 6:27.15, 6:25.12, 6:25.80,

2 mi. CD: 7:33.25, 7:30.85
