Run: Easy Previous Next


12 mi


7:17 mi

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Ran 12 miles in 1:27:14.08 (7:16.2 min./mi.) Today's play, 12 miles @ 7:20 min./mi. I did not even notice until I was hitting the eight mile mark that I was running well ahead of the desired pace, at which time I began to dial it back a bit. Considering that it was 83 degrees with stifling humidity, I will take this kind of run any day.

Mile Splits: 7:15.16, 7:13.88, 7:17.00, 7:14.97, 7:10.12, 7:13.16, 7:10.35, 7:12.22, 7:18.65, 7:22.45, 7:21.81, 7:24.31
