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12 mi


7:14 mi

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<No name>


Ran 12 miles in 1:26:40.97 (7:13.4 min./mi.) Today's plan, 12 miles @ 7:20 min./mi. An easy and comfortable twelve miler. However I did feel a slight tweak in both of my plantaris tendons; kinda' odd I have not felt anything in my left plantaris tendon in years, the right one has been very problematic over the years though. No concern at this point, it was slight and quickly went away.

Mile Splits: 7:17.01, 7:13.03, 7:16.00, 7:15.02, 7:12.90, 7:13.00, 7:15.08, 7;11.95, 7:14.84, 7:12.07, 7:15.09, 7:04.98,
